Sunday, November 22, 2009


“Follow the Money”

Whenever you watch a cop show on TV they always say the way to solve a crime is to follow the money.

Maybe the current Administration should so heed this advice.

It was reported this week that the Federal government as part of its $797 billion stimulus package had no clue as to where some of the money went or why it went where it did.

The 4th, 22nd, 35th and 40th congressional districts in New Mexico received funds when New Mexico only has 3 congressional districts.

At the same time Arizona’s 15th Congressional District received over $750,000. Only problem is that Arizona does not have a 15th congressional district.

And the list goes on and on.

Hell this is a crime so maybe somebody should be following the money.

“He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money”

Benjamin Franklin

To be politically correct we must say he or she but if we continue to allow Senators and Representatives to sell off their votes on bills we might as well just close up shop.

One needs only to look at how the state of Louisiana voted on the Health Care Bill to see the latest example of how much $100 to $300 billion in state aid can influence how one votes.

It reminds me of a story I heard about Winston Churchill.

He once asked a woman if she would sleep with him for 100,000 pounds and she said she would think about it.

He then asked her if she would sleep with him for 10 pounds and she replied “No, what do you think I am a prostitute”

To which he answered “We have already determined that, I am just negotiating the price”

Sounds eerily similar to what our government has become at all levels.

“My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income”

Errol Flynn

This one is for our friends in New York but could also apply to those in Washington.

For too long we have allowed our elected officials in Albany to hold second jobs which basically makes them susceptible to the interests of their other employees.

Their argument is that they cannot afford to live on the $100,000 to $150,000 salaries and need these second jobs.

My answer is that there are thousands of New Yorkers who would be willing to live on half what you make.

And if you haven’t noticed they could probably do a better job.

Representation should not be a part time job and this goes for our friends on the City Council as well.

As for our friends in Washington, too many of them have so much money that they have no clue as to how to manage a budget on a fixed income.

Maybe if we had some more middle class representation in Washington our needs would actually be considered and our deficit would not be in the trillions and heading for I don’t even know what comes after trillions but I am sure we will find a number.

“If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion”.

George Bernard Shaw

Finally to everyone in government, stop treating us like fools.

If we have learned anything over the course of the last 233 years is that the government is great at playing with numbers.

They have experts that won’t admit where in a Recession until we are in a Depression.

And when those experts are proven wrong they bring in another group who try to tell us that the numbers were misinterpreted or misrepresented.

To them we say we are the only ones being misrepresented and in the next round of elections we are going to make sure that changes.

We don’t need the same experts who buried Wall Street who are now working for the Administration telling us that the stimulus package is working when unemployment is now over 10%.

And we don’t need government to continue to grow when we can’t even afford what we have now.

We were promised “Change” but for many the only change we have is what is left in our pockets.

Anyway we all know that it has always been about the money.

And the majority of those who put you in office will not allow you to continue to tax and spend when we are losing our jobs and our homes.

So to our elected officials we say

If you don’t know what we want and need from our government, here’s a clue.


Why don’t you take some of that stimulus money and buy a few vowels?

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