Sunday, November 22, 2009


“Follow the Money”

Whenever you watch a cop show on TV they always say the way to solve a crime is to follow the money.

Maybe the current Administration should so heed this advice.

It was reported this week that the Federal government as part of its $797 billion stimulus package had no clue as to where some of the money went or why it went where it did.

The 4th, 22nd, 35th and 40th congressional districts in New Mexico received funds when New Mexico only has 3 congressional districts.

At the same time Arizona’s 15th Congressional District received over $750,000. Only problem is that Arizona does not have a 15th congressional district.

And the list goes on and on.

Hell this is a crime so maybe somebody should be following the money.

“He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money”

Benjamin Franklin

To be politically correct we must say he or she but if we continue to allow Senators and Representatives to sell off their votes on bills we might as well just close up shop.

One needs only to look at how the state of Louisiana voted on the Health Care Bill to see the latest example of how much $100 to $300 billion in state aid can influence how one votes.

It reminds me of a story I heard about Winston Churchill.

He once asked a woman if she would sleep with him for 100,000 pounds and she said she would think about it.

He then asked her if she would sleep with him for 10 pounds and she replied “No, what do you think I am a prostitute”

To which he answered “We have already determined that, I am just negotiating the price”

Sounds eerily similar to what our government has become at all levels.

“My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income”

Errol Flynn

This one is for our friends in New York but could also apply to those in Washington.

For too long we have allowed our elected officials in Albany to hold second jobs which basically makes them susceptible to the interests of their other employees.

Their argument is that they cannot afford to live on the $100,000 to $150,000 salaries and need these second jobs.

My answer is that there are thousands of New Yorkers who would be willing to live on half what you make.

And if you haven’t noticed they could probably do a better job.

Representation should not be a part time job and this goes for our friends on the City Council as well.

As for our friends in Washington, too many of them have so much money that they have no clue as to how to manage a budget on a fixed income.

Maybe if we had some more middle class representation in Washington our needs would actually be considered and our deficit would not be in the trillions and heading for I don’t even know what comes after trillions but I am sure we will find a number.

“If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion”.

George Bernard Shaw

Finally to everyone in government, stop treating us like fools.

If we have learned anything over the course of the last 233 years is that the government is great at playing with numbers.

They have experts that won’t admit where in a Recession until we are in a Depression.

And when those experts are proven wrong they bring in another group who try to tell us that the numbers were misinterpreted or misrepresented.

To them we say we are the only ones being misrepresented and in the next round of elections we are going to make sure that changes.

We don’t need the same experts who buried Wall Street who are now working for the Administration telling us that the stimulus package is working when unemployment is now over 10%.

And we don’t need government to continue to grow when we can’t even afford what we have now.

We were promised “Change” but for many the only change we have is what is left in our pockets.

Anyway we all know that it has always been about the money.

And the majority of those who put you in office will not allow you to continue to tax and spend when we are losing our jobs and our homes.

So to our elected officials we say

If you don’t know what we want and need from our government, here’s a clue.


Why don’t you take some of that stimulus money and buy a few vowels?

Saturday, November 21, 2009


To All,

Attached please find a link to some preliminary drawings of the Hearts and Hands 9/11 Memorial at Seaview.

We are currently scheduling the clearing out of the garden area and the interior of the rotunda.

We will be sending out letters to our local officials as a follow up to our meetings and to get their commitment of support.

We are aware that government money will be tight but we will be moving forward.

We will be finalizing our discussions with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and hope to schedule a meeting with them at the site.

We are also planning a meeting with members of the Board of Directors of Seaview to get them more involved in the project.

We are also looking for benefactors as we will need to raise at least $1 million in donations next year.

If you have any connections with corporations please make them aware of our plans.

At this time we are asking for your support.

If you are able a tax deductible donation would be greatly appreciated.

Contributions at any level would be greatly appreciated.

If that is not possible we ask you to spread the word about this memorial or should I say your memorial.

Help us spread the word to everyone as to what we are planning.

A memorial for the 9/11 families, for the responders, and for everyone that still feels the pain of that tragic day and feels as we do that those who died on 9/11 and those who continue to die as a result of 9/11 deserve a personal memorial that remembers who they were and who they continue to be in our hearts.

Please join us in giving all of them what they deserve.

To learn more about the memorial go to

Donations can be made by check payable to

Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island NY 10308

or through this Facebook Cause

Thank you in advance for your support

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 718-966-6531 or


Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Too Long We Have Delegated "Authority"

Word from Albany is that the Governor and the legislators are finally going to do something about the Authorities.

We can only hope.

Since these autonomous agencies were first created by Robert Moses back in the 1930’s as a way to circumvent local government they have been nothing but a cash cow for those involved.

Decades of mismanagement caused by executive ranks filled with unqualified employees who got their jobs solely based on their political connections have cost New York hundreds of billions of dollars.

And while no one seems to have any control of the authorities it is always the taxpayer that has to bail them out time and time again.

The PA, the MTA, the TBA the list goes on and on we have basically given them the authority to steal taxpayer money by not having any system of checks and balances in place to control them.

We couldn’t even require the PA to rebuild Ground Zero according to NYC Building and Fire codes, but that’s another story.

Although we have very little faith in Albany this would be a great way to show that they are actually attempting to bring back at least a little fiscal responsibility.

But if they are going to do it they need to do it right.

There is currently no need for any of these Authorities and they should be disbanded altogether.

Like a cancer they have spread to areas far outside the scope of what they were created to handle.

Has anyone even asked why the Port Authority is in the real estate business and what did the World Trade Center ever have to do with the ports of NY and NJ?

It is time to shut them down and make all of the high paid executives get some real jobs.

And while we are at it the Mayor should do the same with the myriad of agencies that have been created at the city level that use the Authorities as their role models.

Agencies like the LMDC that spends over $4 million a year with little or nothing to show for it.

An agency that has spent nearly a billion dollars on the dismantling of a single building that still stands at Ground Zero.

This is where we need to begin and we have been calling for this for the past 8 years.

Time and time again they have proven that they are not able to handle the authority that was delegated to them.

It is time we took it back.


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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unfortunately It's Not A Joke

What is the difference between winning the NYS Lottery


Finding an honest politician?

At least you have a chance at winning the lottery.

The Daily News reported today that 14 state lawmakers left Albany

because of criminal or unethical conduct in the past decade.

10 of them in the past 5 years.

These numbers taken from a new report by the Citizens Union of the City

of New York do not even include Eliot Spitzer or Alan Hevesi.

So over 10% of the 139 office holders that we elected to represent us

have been forced to leave office.

And this number doesn't even include those currently under


But here's the kicker.

All of these people were caught by law enforcement.

Not one of them by the so called state ethic watchdogs that are

currently in place.

Makes you feel real good about who is minding the hen house and how many

more have yet to be discovered.

I wonder how many of these are still collecting pensions paid for with

our tax payer money.

I also wonder how many dollars of campaign funds went towards defending

these people while they were fighting the charges.

And you wonder why New York is in such dire straits.

If we are ever going to get back on track we have to start holding these

guys responsible.

So once again I propose our "Political Pre-Nup"

And I once again issue this public appeal to all elected officials to

step forward and voluntarily sign on.

But I won't hold my breath.

And the sad part about it is that this is just the tip of the iceberg

and things are just as bad if not worse at the national level.

Take it from somebody who knew:

"Sure there are dishonest men in local government”

”But there are dishonest men in national government too"

Richard M. Nixon

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Carny is Back at Coney Island

The media spin machine was once again running overtime as almost all media outlets praised the so called “renaissance” that was previewed at Coney Island last week.

The mayor and his usual list of suspects were there in full force telling everyone what a wonderful thing this was going to be for the neighborhood and the economy of Coney Island.

I was very glad that I was not there but if I was I would have definitely checked to make sure that I still had my wallet before I left.

This was just the latest example of the shell game that is constantly being perpetrated upon the residents of NYC.

While everyone would agree that for years Coney Island has been neglected and needs to be redeveloped no one wants to admit that this current plan revolves around one thing that was never mentioned in any of the speeches.


If anyone believes that the developers do not have that on their minds then they have been taken over by the spell of our three card monte politicians.

Even in its hey day Coney Island was only a summer destination.

The only way that this plan will make it into a “resort destination” is if gambling is brought into the mix.

And you don’t have to be a mind reader to know that the luxury hotels planning to be built adjacent to the site are not being built for people coming to ride the Cyclone.

But once again the rich will get richer and more and more people will lose their homes and pensions chasing that dollar and a dream that will undoubtedly be coming soon to Coney Island.

This will be just another grasp to raise city and state revenues to cover a deficit created by over 30 years of mismanagement by our elected officials.

With the deficit where it stands now they will look more and more into short term “fixes” and to them gambling will be the best bet.

Just the fact that the state spends hundreds of millions a year on advertising on lottery and other ads is proof positive of their overall plans.

People will gamble if they want to but why do they need to try to drag new victims into this scam everyday.

And the people of Coney Island will just be the next set of victims.

Just take a look at the neighborhoods that surround Atlantic City to see how much that did to revitalize and rehabilitate the neighborhood.

And the sad part about it is that the state has already proven they are totally incompetent when it comes to gambling.

Just look at the great job that they did with OTB.

And when OTB goes belly up New York taxpayers will be left on the hook for billions in pensions (better then many city employees) that were arranged for the politically connected people that were able to get jobs at the local OTB offices.

While back on the beach according to the mayor and the other elected officials the future looks great for Coney Island.

And he will be saying the same thing when they sell Governor’s Island to a group of Native Americans for a quick infusion of a couple of billion to cover the next deficit.

So to the people of New York and in particular the residents of Coney Island I leave you with the immortal words of P.T. Barnum “There’s a sucker born every minute”


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Friday, November 13, 2009

Lose Weight…Feed the Hungry…Get Healthy...."Take a Load Off"

Lose Weight…Feed the Hungry…Get Healthy

Want to feel better about yourself both physically and mentally.

Well here’s your chance

Join the “Take a Load Off” program today.

With the holidays coming we all know that we are going to eat and party a little too much.

Come January 1 we are going to be another belt hole wider or another dress size larger.

And we are all going to make that same New Year’s resolution to lose weight.

Well Where to Turn is going to give you a way to drop a few pounds and help out some of those less fortunate.

While food pantries are usually well restocked during the holidays it is the cold winter months when many of them run short.

During the coldest days of winter many just don’t have the food to meet the need.

This is where the “Take a Load Off” program comes into play.

Each person who joins the program pledges to lose a specific amount of weight.

They also donate a dollar match to the amount of weight they pledge to lose.

So if you want to lose 20 pounds you donate $20.

Where to Turn will reach out to get corporate sponsorship to match every dollar collected.

All donations are 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

100% of all the money collected will go towards re-stocking local food pantries and get food to those who really need it.

We will run the program quarterly so you have 3 months to meet your goal.

At the end of the quarter we will see how each of you has done and start a new class.

You lose weight, help feed the hungry and get healthy at the same time.

Our first class will begin on January 1.

It will be called “A Ton of Fun” as we will try to lose a collective 2,000 pounds and raise $4,000

You can register by credit card through our Facebook page at

You can also register through Where to Turn at

Donations can be made by check made payable to Where to Turn 150-L Greaves Lane Staten Island, NY 10308

If you have any questions feel free to call us at 718-966-6531.

I have kicked off the program with a commitment to lose 25 pounds.

Also the South Beach Civic Association has donated $100 to match the first 100 pounds

I hope you will follow suit.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wake Up America....There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

I am so excited.

I just found out that I do not have to work anymore.

You see I got this e-mail from Nigeria from someone I don’t know and they are going to transfer $23 million into my account.

At about the same time I got another one informing me that I won the Canadian lottery for another $15 Million.

I am glad that I got these e-mails because I was just about to take a work at home job offer and make $2,500 a week stuffing envelopes.

But now I won’t have to and I will have a lot more time on my hands.

Considering I am going to have all this free time and all this money I am sure that I will be real popular with the ladies.

But I am not concerned because I just ordered pills that are a combination of Viagra and Cialis with some natural ingredients.

They guarantee that I will be a stud in bed, satisfy endless women and at the same time clean out my colon and allow me to lose 30 pounds in 3 days.

Yeah Right……..In My Dreams

But this is no different than the way our government continues to treat us on a regular basis.

They are going to provide Health Care to every man women and child (legal or not).

A program that is going to cost trillions of dollars and they are going to do this with no significant tax increases.

They implemented a stimulus package that was supposed to stimulate the economy.

It appears to only have stimulated the bonuses of the executives of the bailed out companies.

And after paying out these bonuses some of these companies are still going belly up.

And if you hadn’t noticed the national unemployment rate just rose above 10%

Doesn’t sound like much of a stimulus package to me.

But we continue to play the fools and believe these people.

And we continue to pump millions into their campaigns so that they can make their lobbyists and lawyers rich.

I have lost track of how many elected officials have been indicted and convicted over the past 10 years.

And many of them continue to collect their paychecks while they fight the charges with campaign funds.

In many cases they keep their taxpayer paid pensions even if convicted.

But we continue to allow this to go on.

We allow state after state to legalize more and more types of gambling and more and more citizens particularly seniors are losing their paychecks or pensions on all sorts of state sponsored lotteries.

They want to bring slots to the race tracks and don’t be too surprised if they wind up selling Governor’s Island to some Native American entity to open a casino closer to home for all those people chasing that dollar for a dream.

And the government allows it to go on and they can’t even do that right.

Just look at what they did with OTB.

But I digress.

What it all comes down to is too many people want to believe the promises that they are fed during every election.

They want to believe in these no substance solutions just like they want to believe in the e-mails they receive every day.

We need to wake up.

We need to see legislation while it is in committee before it is voted on.

We need to know if our representatives are actually representing us.

And we need to vote them out if they are not.

If we don’t we might as well wait for that next e-mail from our new friend in Nigeria.



Everyday people complain about how bad things are yet on Staten Island where we have over 200,000 voters and only about 75,000 voted last Tuesday.

So the next time you want to complain first ask yourself if you were one of the 125,000 Staten Island Registered voters who didn’t vote.

Just if you weren’t paying attention

Bloomberg spent over $100 million and got 557,000 votes. That’s about $175 a vote.

Alex Zablocki spent $17,000 and got 157,000 votes. That’s about $9.25 a vote.

But here’s the real shame.

Alex filed 30,000 signatures to get on the ballot while Bloomberg only filed 21,000.

But Alex was excluded from all the debates because his campaign didn’t raise enough money.

And you still think we don’t need campaign finance reform.

By the way these candidates keep building up their campaign war chests with millions and wind up spending it on lawyers when they get caught.

Great system we have here.

We should require that 90% of all excess funds be either set aside for community projects or returned after each election.

But we know that will never happen.

So why don’t we try this.

Ban the use of campaign funds for legal costs.

Any excess campaign funds after an election must be used to repay any matching funds that were received.

And here’s an easy one.

We give the candidates one week to take down all their signs.

We ask organizations to set up sign collections after the week grace period.

We then charge their campaigns $10 a sign that is turned in.

We set up collection sites and reimburse the organizations for the signs they collect.

We would probably raise enough money to stock a food pantry every year.

We know none of these will ever be implemented but we will keep trying.


Sunday, November 1, 2009


So now that we have come to the end of campaigns that have been going on forever.

The candidates will pull out all of their dirt tricks over the next 24 hours in a last ditch effort to sway our decisions.

And then it will be up to us to decide.

Unfortunately many of us will not even bother.

Some will look at the polls and decide their candidate doesn’t have a chance so they will not bother to vote.

Others will think just the opposite and feel that their candidate is so far ahead that their vote is not necessary

What’s worse is that many of us will just enter the voting both and just vote straight down our party line.

This has become standard practice with many Americans.

It has also contributed to the current state of our nation as well as the condition of our states and cities.

On Staten Island decisions will be made for the City Council and Borough President and city wide we will be deciding on a mayor.

Decisions such as these will be being made all over the country.

But again many will not vote and others will be selecting candidates for no other reason than the fact that they are on the same party line as their choice for president.

This is the real problem facing America today.

We need to be more involved and voting is just a part of that responsibility.

We need to know who we are voting for and we are not going to get that information from advertisements, lawn signs or mailings.

Have you ever once gotten information from any candidates stating what promises they didn’t deliver on?

I haven’t

So on Election Day do us all a favor.

Take a little time and put some thought into what candidates you are selecting.

They will have a job for the next few years.

Let’s make sure that they will work to assure that we can say the same.

I have said it before and I will say it again “We need representatives not politicians” at every level of government.

On Election Day we can make a difference.

Let’s see if we will.
