Saturday, November 21, 2009


To All,

Attached please find a link to some preliminary drawings of the Hearts and Hands 9/11 Memorial at Seaview.

We are currently scheduling the clearing out of the garden area and the interior of the rotunda.

We will be sending out letters to our local officials as a follow up to our meetings and to get their commitment of support.

We are aware that government money will be tight but we will be moving forward.

We will be finalizing our discussions with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and hope to schedule a meeting with them at the site.

We are also planning a meeting with members of the Board of Directors of Seaview to get them more involved in the project.

We are also looking for benefactors as we will need to raise at least $1 million in donations next year.

If you have any connections with corporations please make them aware of our plans.

At this time we are asking for your support.

If you are able a tax deductible donation would be greatly appreciated.

Contributions at any level would be greatly appreciated.

If that is not possible we ask you to spread the word about this memorial or should I say your memorial.

Help us spread the word to everyone as to what we are planning.

A memorial for the 9/11 families, for the responders, and for everyone that still feels the pain of that tragic day and feels as we do that those who died on 9/11 and those who continue to die as a result of 9/11 deserve a personal memorial that remembers who they were and who they continue to be in our hearts.

Please join us in giving all of them what they deserve.

To learn more about the memorial go to

Donations can be made by check payable to

Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island NY 10308

or through this Facebook Cause

Thank you in advance for your support

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 718-966-6531 or


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