Monday, May 25, 2009

Making Things Possible for Those In Need

We saw an article recently about some designers and retailers that were donating a few prom dresses to less fortunate girls.

This is a really nice idea and I am sure that those young ladies who received these dresses were probably very grateful.

We began to think that there are probably hundreds of young ladies that never go to prom because they just can’t afford the gowns.

We also thought about all of those prom dresses that get used once and never make it out of the closet again until they are either thrown away or donated to a charity years later.

Well here is our idea,

If you have a prom dress that you know you will not be using again give it to us.

We will arrange to make it available for some less fortunate senior next year and maybe enable them to go to prom.

We will reach out to local dry cleaners to see if they will donate their services so that we can offer a practically new dress to these students.

Also we are still getting calls from some schools that are still in bad shape from Katrina.

Each year many schools on Staten Island replace their athletic equipment.

We were wondering what they do with the old equipment.

If they are not using it we would gladly arrange to pick it up and we will get it to these schools in need.

Finally we would like Staten Island schools to step up and adopt schools in disaster areas.

By proactively adopting a school we will be able to set up a direct line of communication between these schools and their Staten Island counterparts.

If a disaster does hit (hurricane, flood etc) these schools will be able to directly contact their Staten Island sister school and request items they may need.

The Staten Island school would collect these items and Where to Turn will ship the goods to the schools in need.

This proactive approach will enable schools in disaster areas to more quickly recover.

These are just a few ideas.

Let us know what you think.


Daily News Story on Flags Across Staten Island

Daily News Story on Flags Across Staten Island

Friday, May 22, 2009


To All,

As you know we are steadily moving forward with our plans to complete the Hearts and Hands Memorial in time for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Last weekend we began filming the site for a documentary of the process.

As part of the documentary we will like to interview those we have worked with over the past 8 years.

We want to let people know how important it is that we get this done.

We want show how so many came together to help with the healing process after 9/11 and how this Memorial will continue that process with:

The United in Memory 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt

A 21,000 square foot Memorial Garden

Personal photos of all of the victims (including those who have died as a result of the aftermath of 9/11) arranged in alphabetical order by affiliation with no naming restriction.

A studio for visitors to record or hear personal stories about "THE PEOPLE" who died as a result of 9/11, as we must never forget the individuals, the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, significant others, uncles, aunts, grandchildren and grandparents who perished as a result of the attacks of 9/11/01.

If you would like to be a part of this documentary please let us know.

We want your input.....We need your input.

We are restoring the old kitchen and dining area of the Sea View campus on Staten Island.

This is part of an abandoned hospital site built in 1913.

The site where the cure for tuberculosis was discovered.

We want to show that rebuilding and healing can go hand in hand if done for the right reasons.

So we will rebuild on the site that saved thousands upon thousands of lives and attempt to instill that healing process in every step of this project.

Creating a peaceful, serene and respectful memorial to honor those who were taken from us.

A place where people will come for the right reasons.

To learn about the "PEOPLE" who died as well as the good and bad that happened after 9/11.

So that our children and their children will be able to know these people and hear the true story about 9/11 from those who lost loved ones as well as those who came together in the greatest outpouring of caring and generosity that the world has ever seen.

We made a commitment to the 9/11 families to get this done.

Help us make this dream a reality.

Dennis McKeon
Corey Gammel
Rich Pierce

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good News Story About Student Athletes For A Change

Good News Story About Student Athletes For A Change

Where to Turn Academic All County Ceremony

We currently have 203 candidates identified by the following 13 High


CSI High School for International Studies

Monsignor Farrell High

School New Dorp High School

Notre Dame Academy

Port Richmond High School

St. John Villa Academy

St. Joseph by the Sea High School

St. Joseph Hill Academy

St. Peters Boys High School

Staten Island Technical High School

Tottenville High School

Xaverian High School

Xavier High School

These senior athletes who maintained academic excellence will be

honored at a ceremony on May 27 at St. Johns University.

Our guest speakers this year will be Linda Manfredi principal at PS 29

and Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer both of whom were athletic

scholars during their High School careers.

Invitations have been sent to all the identified candidates and their

Families and over 200 candidates and family members have already RSVP’d.

Dennis McKeon

Executive Director

Where to Turn


Monday, May 11, 2009


May 11, 2009

The Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg
Mayor of the City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

Each day we read about additional delays and issues related to the redevelopment at Ground Zero. At this point in time it does not appear that it will be possible to have a fully completed memorial in place for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Besides the fact that there are still many concerns related to the currently planned memorial not having it completed by September 11th 2011 would be yet another blow to the 9/11 families.

To that end we would like to once again make you aware of a 9/11 memorial we are currently planning for Staten Island. This memorial will provide a permanent home for the United in Memory 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt. It will also include a 21,000 square foot memorial garden and a corridor of memories which include 8 x 10 photos of all 9/11 victims arranged in alphabetical order by affiliation. It will also allow family members to identify their loved ones as they wish under each photo.

We estimate the total cost of this memorial to be approximately $6.5 million most of which will go to the restoration of an abandoned complex on the Seaview Rehabilitation campus on Staten Island. We have already received a $457,000 start up grant from Senators Schumer and Clinton. We also have a commitment from Senator Lanza and are working with Congressman McMahon’ office and our state and city representatives to secure additional funding.

We are currently finishing up paperwork with HUD and hope to begin work on actual renovation of the facility during this summer.

We are requesting your assistance with this project, which has the support of almost all of the 9/11 family groups, and will deliver many of the elements requested by family members which due to space and other restrictions are not included in the current memorial plans.

We are asking that you consider supporting this effort as it will compliment the memorial at Ground Zero by providing a peaceful and serene space for us to honor those lost on 9/11.

With your support we will be able to get this completed well in advance of the 10th anniversary.

This effort will also support your recent call to the support of volunteerism as much of this work will be provided by volunteers already committed to this project. We also envision the completed memorial to be staffed by senior and student volunteers.

As mayor and president of the WTC Memorial Foundation we hope that you will seriously consider partnering with us to bring this project to fruition.

We will be available to discuss this further at your convenience to answer any of your questions or to address any of your concerns.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Dennis McKeon
Executive Director


Senator Charles Schumer
Congressman Michael McMahon
Borough President James Molinaro
Senator Andrew Lanza
Senator Diane Savino
Assemblyman Michael Cusick
Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer
Assemblyman Matthew Titone
Assemblyman Lou Tobacco
Councilman James Oddo
Councilman Vincent Ignizio
Councilman Ken Mitchell

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Accidents Involving Children and Falling Furniture Up 41%

Recent reports have indicated that accidents resulting in the injury or death of children due to falling furniture have increased by 41% over the last 18 years.

Please note that the figure is actually much higher.

These statistics only include reported cases and in the case of death they only include incidents in which cause of death is listed as a direct result of the accident.

Many cases are not included as cause of death may just be listed as trauma or asphyxiation and the fact that it was caused by falling furniture is not always listed or reported.

For the past 5 years families who have lost children in these types of accidents have been attempting to get legislation passed at both the state and federal level to protect children.

Unfortunately their attempts have resulted in little or no legislation being passed.

Since it appears that our elected officials are reluctant to even ask major manufactures to include warning notices with furniture it will be up to us to get the word out to the public.

Hopefully these same elected officials might be open to help us raise public awareness.

Although family groups have been doing a great job through their websites and distributions the great percentage of the population is still not aware of the dangers that exist in their homes.

With help hopefully we can begin a public campaign to raise awareness,

Through print ads, PSA's and the internet hopefully we can prevent future accidents and the heartbreak of "If I only knew" that we hear after almost every accident.

If you are an elected official we call on you for your support.

If you are in the media we call on you for some help with possible free or discounted ads or PSA's (paper, TV, radio or internet)

If you are a member of an organization or school group we call on you to help spread the word.

If you are a business that might lend financial support to help fund production costs we call on you to get involved.

Finally if you are a concerned citizen who has a son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandson or granddaughter we need your help.

If you think that something like this could never happen to your family, you are sadly mistaken.

We need your help to protect the most vulnerable of us, those who cannot protect themselves.

If you would like to get involved please contact us at 718-966-6531 or


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