Monday, April 27, 2009

The WTC and How Not To Save Our Economy

It was nice to see that Archbishop Dolan has not forgotten about Ground Zero as we can certainly use the prayers.

With the Port Authority yet again changing its plans and Silverstein asking for even more money on his end as if the $21 million he has received from the PA so far as well as the hundreds of millions he has collected in insurance funds is not enough, we can use all the prayers we can get.

Although they keep putting up a good front everyone I have spoken with has told me that there is no way they are going to meet any of their scheduled completion dates and that spending is once again spiraling out of control.

What's even worse is that the current handling of our national economic crisis seems to be using the WTC plan as a template.

Just as they did with Ground Zero our government is now throwing good money after bad while requiring little or no accountability.

As with Ground Zero spending does not seem to be an issue and they continue to spend like drunken sailors with no real end plan in site.

Just like with Ground Zero they are continuing to point fingers at those who were in charge before them, while taking no responsibility for their roles relating to our current economic situation.

Unfortunately our country cannot afford for this to drag on for 8 years as has the Ground Zero Debacle.

While NYC was able to survive for eight years with a hole in the ground our country cannot survive the hole that has been left by the total mismanagement and lack of supervision of our financial institutions.

While we agree that we need to rebuild our economy lets learn from our mistakes.

Let's use the WTC as an example of how things should not be done.

Because if we don't we will wind up with a country owned and operated by the Chinese.

A fate that appears destined for the World Trade Center.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


President Obama has announced plans to try to stop credit card companies from increasing rates and misleading customers with introductory rates.

Unfortunately most of these problems stem from states that do not have Usury Laws.

"Usury" is the unlawful act of charging interest on a debt (including discount points, fees and other charges) at a rate greater than what is permitted under any applicable law or exemption from a law.

Most of the credit card companies in question are affiliated with banks in these states with no Usury Laws.

If we really want to make a difference we need to get these states to enact Usury Laws.

Below is a posting from January 23, 2009.

The Bailout and Usury Law

Maybe those in office should start listening to the common people instead of their high priced experts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


There are millions available for a new park near the Brooklyn Bridge.

All of the other 5 landfills that were to be remediated as part of the Super Fund have been completed with little or no resistance.

They are now talking about cleaning up the Gowanis Canal as part of another Super Fund and you know they will find money for that.

Question: What do all theses things have in common?

Answer: They are not in Staten Island

For nearly 3 decades the people of Staten Island have been promised that the Brookfield Landfill would be properly remediated and capped.

For nearly 30 years the site has gone untouched while contaminants seeped into the water table and God knows what was carried by the wind currents into the neighboring communities.

For years a Community Advisement Committee has attempted to get the DEC and the DEP to live up to their end of the bargain.

And all they have gotten for their efforts were lies after lies and delay after delay.

And now the city and the state say they do not have the money that they committed to this project and they basically want to throw a little additional top soil of the site and move on.

Needless to say if this site was in Manhattan or Brooklyn or any of the other boroughs it would have never gotten to this point.

But again as always we are the forgotten borough.

For over half a century the rest of the city just dumped its garbage on us and between Fresh Kills and Brookfield we have the biggest landfill in the world.

As the Urban Legend goes:

Question; What are the two man made structures can astronauts see from outer space?

Answer: The Great Wall of China and the Staten Island Landfills.

And while we have all the “Landfill to Landscape” fanfare associated with its larger counterpart Fresh Kills, Brookfield was the one designated as a toxic landfill.

It is time for all Staten Islanders to take a stand.

The mayor and the governor need Staten Island to get reelected.

Tell them “We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more”

They can afford a park in Brooklyn, or to clean the Gowanis Canal and they found money to clean all the other sites why can’t they find the money to remediate a site that was supposed to be completely closed in the 1950’s.

Come to the meeting on April 22 at PS 8 and let them and the DEP and the DEC and all our elected officials know that we have been dumped on long enough.


NYCDEP Public Meeting 4/22

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hope This Was the Last Thing Those Pirates Saw

Happy Easter Captain Phillips


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally Help May Be On The Way For Some 9/11 Responders

Finally help may be on the way for some 9/11 first responders suffering from medical ailments.

Judge Alvin Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York has assigned two special masters to examine some of the suits brought by nearly 10,000 plaintiffs.

Judge Hellerstein seems to be the only one concerned about what is going on at WTC Captive Corp as last year he also demanded that lawyers from both sides turn over information on each case and is pushing for trials and settlements.

As you know if not for some coverage by New York Post reporter Sue Edelman who continues to pursue this story very little of this is covered by the media.

We did a little more research on what is going on with World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company.

First of all click on the link below for a press release from a year ago relating to the company and the mishandling of claims. As usual there was little or no follow up to this.

Press Release: Status of Compensation for 9/11 Illnesses

Our first clue that nothing was going to come of this should have been that it was released on April Fools Day 2008.

As usual with how any 9/11 or WTC issue has been handled the joke was on us.

In response to the concerns addressed in the press release an audit by the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security found that the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company did nothing Illegal and has the right to fight every claim.

This is like a scene right out John Grisham's "The Rainmaker" they will continue to deny every claim that comes in.

The only difference is in the book the client wins.

Here we have the Office of Homeland Security stating that it is perfectly legal for this company to use funds designated to help victims to pay legal and administrative fees.

The last time I looked grants and contracts for not for profits had to be justified by the number of people the program serviced.

Only a certain percentage of the grant or contract could be used for legal or administrative fees.

But it appears here that the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company does not have to play by the same rules.

Over the last four years more than 99% of the costs charged have been administrative and legal.

Not a single dollar has been paid to anyone who suffered from toxic exposure as the only claims paid ($320,000) were for orthopedic injuries.

The company went as far as to try to have all the claims thrown out of court by arguing that the city had blanket immunity because the injuries were a result of a terrorist act.

But that didn't work so now they just litigate every claim.

So by the time they pay all the lawyers and staff, combined with what they continue to lose in the stock market it appears there will be little left to pay any claims.

And the claims continue to be submitted and at last count there were over 10,000 claims for respiratory and toxic injuries alone.

If they had no intention of paying claims they could have bought a rubber stamp marked "DENIED" for $1.99 and saved hundreds of millions.

The result for the victims would have been the same.

Hopefully Judge Hellerstein will have more of an impact then the Inspector General who called for tighter scrutiny of legal and administrative costs at the WTC Captive Insurance Corp.

Obviously that did not strike any fear with the WTC Captive Corp as over the past year they have continued to pay out millions in salaries and legal fees while continuing to deny every claim.

Maybe now some victims will get relief and just maybe some action can be taken against those running the WTC Captive Insurance Corp as they continue to spend like drunken sailors on everything but compensation for those injured.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quotes from Thomas Jefferson...Common Sense Never Grows Old

Our country and state would be in much better shape if our elected officials would just take Jefferson’s advice.

John Kennedy once said to a assembled group of scholars in the White House, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

The quotes below could prove his point.

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe .

Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.

Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

In light of the present financial crisis, it's interesting to read what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Doesn't this sound eerily familiar to what is happening in America today?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To All,

Isn’t it amazing on the day we bring into question their contracts with China, the Port Authority once again tries to shift the attention away from their current failures with this.

The bottom line is the PA is still exempt from NYC Building and Fire codes.

Even if they allowed regular inspections, which they don’t they are not legally bound to make any corrections nor can they be fined or penalized.

They continue to be self regulated and make their own rules and regulations.

I think that it is very appropriate that this was released on April Fools Day as it is a joke.

Anyone following the working of the PA at Ground Zero can tell you that it has never been about safety or security it has been about money.

The more they can make by cutting corners or avoiding codes or regulations the better.

Case in point the contract for safety glass awarded to China because they were the lowest bidder not because China is the only tenant of the Freedom Tower.

Here is an example of how concerned the PA is about safety and security.

About a year ago, on April 14, 2008, a homeless man found detailed confidential building plans for the Freedom Tower in the garbage.

How is that for safety?

And as with everything else related to the PA this was swept under the rug as well.

Unfortunately every day is April Fools day when you are dealing with the Port Authority

Press Release


Date: April 01, 2009
Press Release Number: 42-2009

Meeting its commitment to enhance public transparency, the Port Authority today posted on its Web site - - the assessment records and conformance status for all of the agency's facilities in New York and New Jersey.

The records, which will be updated annually, cover all Port Authority facilities, including all of the agency's airports, bridges, tunnels and terminals, port and PATH facilities, and Port Authority-controlled World Trade Center buildings.

The Port Authority has a longstanding policy to meet or exceed all local building and fire codes, including those in New York City.

Port Authority Chairman Anthony R. Coscia said, "Today's release meets our foremost commitments to public safety and transparency. We are pleased to join forces with Borough President Stringer in this effort."

We're committed to providing safe and secure facilities for the public, and today we're taking an important step forward to show the public what we've done and what we plan to do moving forward."

Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward said, "We've worked diligently with New York City building and fire officials to make sure our buildings are safe, secure and in conformance with all local building and fire codes. Today's action will allow the public to see what we've done so they can track our progress and judge for itself."

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, in whose office the transparency initiative was announced in January, said, "I want to commend the Port Authority for its leadership on this issue. Now it's time for other property owners exempted from city safety codes to follow the Port Authority's lead. Code exemptions for regional authorities and federal and foreign buildings create a patchwork of regulation that is confusing and dangerous, putting first responders and the public at risk. The Port Authority's work is a roadmap for fixing this problem and saving lives."

The Port Authority - a bistate agency created in 1921 by the states of New York and New Jersey - is one of many federal and state agencies in both states that is not legally bound by local building codes. However, over the years, the agency has reached agreements with New York City to meet or exceed its building and fire codes. Similar exemptions apply to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, federal buildings such as U.S. courthouses, and foreign embassies and consulates, including the United Nations headquarters.

The report provides a detailed overview of the Port Authority's policy and process with an interactive facility map that allows users to see assessment schedules for each facility, a survey of the construction projects completed by the agency using its code conformance process and a complete inventory of each facility's component parts that are subject to code conformance, such as façade, boilers, refrigeration systems and elevators.

During a project's design phase, the Port Authority's Quality Assurance Division reviews all design drawings for adherence to local code. The division interacts with the New York City Department of Buildings on code interpretation issues, and has received written concurrence on major projects.

During the construction phase, the Port Authority's Quality Assurance Division interacts with the agency's Construction Management Division to ensure code compliance. The agency's Chief Engineer will not issue a Certificate of Occupancy until it can be verified that all code issues have been resolved.

Following a building's construction, Port Authority engineers perform regular assessments of each facility and provide repair recommendations if warranted, which are addressed as quickly as possible.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Steve Coleman, 212 435-7777

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operates many of the busiest and most important transportation links in the region. They include John F. Kennedy International, Newark Liberty International, LaGuardia, Stewart International and Teterboro airports; AirTrain JFK and AirTrain Newark; the George Washington Bridge and Bus Station; the Lincoln and Holland tunnels; the three bridges between Staten Island and New Jersey; the PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) rapid-transit system; Port Newark; the Elizabeth-Port Authority Marine Terminal; the Howland Hook Marine Terminal on Staten Island; the Port Authority Auto Marine Terminal; the Brooklyn Piers/Red Hook Container Terminal; the Greenville Yard-Port Authority Marine Terminal; and the Port Authority Bus Terminal in midtown Manhattan. The agency also owns the 16-acre World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan and is a partner in the Access to the Region's Core tunnel project.