Tuesday, April 14, 2009


There are millions available for a new park near the Brooklyn Bridge.

All of the other 5 landfills that were to be remediated as part of the Super Fund have been completed with little or no resistance.

They are now talking about cleaning up the Gowanis Canal as part of another Super Fund and you know they will find money for that.

Question: What do all theses things have in common?

Answer: They are not in Staten Island

For nearly 3 decades the people of Staten Island have been promised that the Brookfield Landfill would be properly remediated and capped.

For nearly 30 years the site has gone untouched while contaminants seeped into the water table and God knows what was carried by the wind currents into the neighboring communities.

For years a Community Advisement Committee has attempted to get the DEC and the DEP to live up to their end of the bargain.

And all they have gotten for their efforts were lies after lies and delay after delay.

And now the city and the state say they do not have the money that they committed to this project and they basically want to throw a little additional top soil of the site and move on.

Needless to say if this site was in Manhattan or Brooklyn or any of the other boroughs it would have never gotten to this point.

But again as always we are the forgotten borough.

For over half a century the rest of the city just dumped its garbage on us and between Fresh Kills and Brookfield we have the biggest landfill in the world.

As the Urban Legend goes:

Question; What are the two man made structures can astronauts see from outer space?

Answer: The Great Wall of China and the Staten Island Landfills.

And while we have all the “Landfill to Landscape” fanfare associated with its larger counterpart Fresh Kills, Brookfield was the one designated as a toxic landfill.

It is time for all Staten Islanders to take a stand.

The mayor and the governor need Staten Island to get reelected.

Tell them “We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more”

They can afford a park in Brooklyn, or to clean the Gowanis Canal and they found money to clean all the other sites why can’t they find the money to remediate a site that was supposed to be completely closed in the 1950’s.

Come to the meeting on April 22 at PS 8 and let them and the DEP and the DEC and all our elected officials know that we have been dumped on long enough.


NYCDEP Public Meeting 4/22


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