Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Aren't Our Children As Important?

As most of us prepare for the holiday season we have yet another family who will have to instead arrange a funeral for their child.

In Houston a 3 year old was killed, crushed by a falling television.

And this is not an isolated incident.

As the article below indicates one hospital in Houston had 6 tip over deaths in 2006 alone

For the past four years bills have died in Committee that could have prevented these deaths.

First HR Bill 1861 and now it appears HR Bill 4266 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/thomas) will suffer the same fate as only 11 co-sponsors have signed on.

Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 2/7/2008
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] - 1/16/2008
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5] - 2/6/2008
Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] - 3/14/2008
Rep Fossella, Vito [NY-13] - 12/19/2007
Rep Graves, Sam [MO-6] - 2/14/2008
Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. [NJ-2] - 12/18/2007
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] - 12/4/2007
Rep Moore, Dennis [KS-3] - 2/25/2008
Rep Price, David E. [NC-4] - 2/25/2008
Rep Skelton, Ike [MO-4] - 3/4/2008

Click link below for full details:


So while Congress continues to bail out our banks and auto manufactures and spends months investigating baseball the most innocent and vulnerable of our population continue to be ignored.

And they continue to die because those in office just don’t give a damn.

More and more people are buying flat screen TV’s for their walls and the ones they are replacing wind up in the basement or in a child’s room.

Accidents just waiting to happen.

This bill will make people aware of the potential dangers of TV’s and other types of furniture and give them an opportunity to protect their children.

And unlike the hundreds of billions being spent on bailouts this bill will cost next to nothing.

Unfortunately Congress continues to think our children are not worth it

Please join the nearly 11,000 people who have signed our petition and contact your representative and tell them that we think they are.


This brief article indicates that at this one hospital in Houston they had 6 tip over deaths in just one year (2006).

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