Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So now we have the Governor of Illinois accused of offering Barack Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder.

We have numerous high ranking officials in both Houses of Congress under investigation for various potentially illegal activities.

And it seems that everyday we hear of another governor, mayor or other elected official being indicted or accused of improper acts.

It appears that things are going to get worse before they get better.

When hundreds of billions are spent on campaigns one can only assume that favors are expected especially from major donors.

Add in additional hundreds of millions that lobbyists spend and you have a system just asking for corruption.

The difference between what a lobbyist provides and what constitutes a bribe seems to be a very gray area.

The government then spends millions more defending the accused and the majority of them get to retire with little or no penalties and get to collect their pensions.

All paid for by the taxpayer.

It has got to stop.

Back in July we posted our request for the establishment of a political pre-nup which would hold elected officials and their staffs liable for their actions. (see below)

We also asked for any elected official to step forward and voluntarily make the commitment to abide by this plan.

Needless to say not even one has done so.

We once again call on our electeds to do the right thing.

Set an example and give us just a little assurance that there is some integrity in politics.

Major league sports have clauses enabling them to get rid of players do to conduct detrimental to their leagues.

Shouldn't our elected officials be required to at least pay for the same rules.

We think so and again call for a "Political Pre-Nup"

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