Friday, October 24, 2008

"Surprise" "Surprise" "Surprise"

So the City Council has voted and as Gomer Pyle used to say “Surprise” “Surprise” “Surprise” they backed the mayor’s plan to extend term limits.

Yet another example of how those in government have turned a blind eye to what the democratic process is all about.

And don’t be fooled by the Council members who waited until they were sure that the mayor had enough votes in his pocket to say they were opposed to the plan.

Not since the days of Boss Tweed has one person been able to manipulate the process to his own advantage.

Now the spin doctors will say that if we don’t want him we have the right to vote him out of office.

Well that’s just not the point.

This is not about whether or not he is qualified to be mayor again it is the principle of the matter.

No elected official should be above the voice of the people.

Twice the citizens of New York City voted for term limits and now with the wave of his magic wand the mayor has had the Council change the rules.

They say that there was no time for a referendum in advance of the next election.

Anyone who has been following this knows nothing is further from the truth.

This plan has been in the works for years

Here is one our posts from November 29, 2005


The bottom line is they knew they wouldn’t get the votes to overturn term limits in a referendum so they stalled until they could back door this through the City Council.

Once again the mayor is replacing NYC history with “His Story”

And it is just not right.

Ronald Regan once said “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first”

The mayor and the City Council certainly proved him right.

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