Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ground Zero a Bureaucrat's Dream

It’s been a month since the Port Authority laid out it's "Realistic and Rational" schedule for the rebuilding at Ground Zero.

Wouldn't it be nice to get an update as to how they are holding to the schedule.

Basic project management would allow for regular updates on schedules, budget, etc.

With the current state of the economy and all the doom and gloom coming from the Governor can't you just see Ground Zero slipping in priority.

And what about the wall and Mr. Silverstein?

Has that issue been resolved or are we still paying him $300,000 a day in late fees?

Things just do not change.

For seven years there has been no structure or oversight to anything that went on at the site.

Every so often there is a public outcry or some politician or newspaper raises the issue and it becomes news for about a week and then those involved are just left to do whatever they please and spend whatever they want.

It's the same with the ME's office who put out reports on identifications whenever they want. Each time a report comes out there is a change in format so you can never tell how many remains were re-tested with the new process that cost millions and was going to produce dramatic results.

It's the same with Fresh Kills and now they will blame the budget deficit and say they do not have any funds to pursue anything at the landfill in regards to the remains.

And now we are going to extend term limits and will have another four years of the same.

Mark my words when their new terms are up (and if they don't decide to change the rules again) the site will still not be complete and we will have gone through at least another two or three "Realistic and Rational" schedules.

And why has nothing changed over the past seven years?

The answer is simple.

Ground Zero has become a bureaucrat's dream.

Agencies have been created staffed by political cronies.

Contracts, grants and loans have been given to the same inner circle with little or no oversight or accountability.

And they continue to plan for hundreds of thousands of feet of office space for which they have no tenants

As Brooks Atkinson once said "The perfect bureaucrat is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility"

Sounds like the people who have been running the show at Ground Zero for the last seven years.

Do you really think they want this gravy train to end?

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