Monday, June 30, 2008

Research Request 6/29

Dear 9/11 Family Member:

I'm looking for 9-11 family members or survivors who would be interested in sharing their thoughts on, and experiences of, the ways that the events of 9-11 have come to be talked about in public forums.

This is as part of my dissertation research for my PhD in Anthropology at the University of Toronto, which looks at the experiences of people directly impacted by the war on terror as well as public discourses of the war on terror.

As per my university approved ethics protocol, all conversations would be totally anonymous and would be audio recorded if participants consent. They may be as short as 30 minutes or as long as a few hours, depending on how much each participant wants to say.

I'm looking to schedule the interviews in New York between the 17th and the 24th of July and the 24th-29th of August, though I can also arrange them anytime before the end of August and I am able to meet people anywhere in the New York or DC areas.

If you or anyone you know is interested in participating I can be reached by email at or by phone at: 917-621-6224.


Zoë Zoë H Wool

Doctoral Candidate Department of Anthropology

University of Toronto


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