Monday, June 30, 2008

Message From Port Authority

Good Morning,

I hope this note finds you all well. Once again I am asking for your help in distributing information to the families of those lost on September 11 and February 26. Attached is a statement from the Port Authority to family members. Your networks are the most effective way to reach the most family members and we always appreciate your willingness to do so. Please pass this along as soon as you can.

Many thanks, as always.

Norma Manigan Manager, Public Relations Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 212.435.6547

Three weeks ago, New York Governor David Paterson called on the Port Authority to assess the overall rebuilding effort at the World Trade Center site and to look at whether existing public timelines and budgets are realistic and achievable. We've conducted an initial assessment that found that while there has been substantial progress in construction, the current schedule and cost of the rebuilding effort are not realistic because 15 issues that fundamentally drive the schedule and cost still must be resolved. The assessment will continue through September, when we will have a better handle on what the schedules and costs will be for all of the site's projects, including the Memorial. Let me assure you that the Memorial is being built and will be completed and its signature design will not change.

Let me assure you also that the entire site is being built with the highest safety and security standards in place. I know that as family members of those lost on September 11, 2001, and February 26, 1993, you have a special and important interest in what is happening at this unique site. However, we owe it to you and the rest of the public to finally produce deadlines that can and will be met – ones that are backed up by the reality on the ground. We will be sure to keep you informed as we move forward.

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