Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Most Troubled Authority is Not Alone

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority or as we like to refer to them as our Most Troubled Authority is now going to reduce service for its riders and eliminate free service for school kids.

So let me get this straight

The MTA is totally mismanaged

Its executives continue to make exorbitant salaries

Its Board Members are still allowed to ride for free using their EZ passes.

Hundreds of its employees are supplied with agency cars

And even more of its employees get free service as part of their job.

So with all this going on they decide to go after the school kids.

This after asking for yet another bailout from the government.

And we will bail them out, not hold them responsible and they will continue to lose money with no oversight and no accountability.

And if this wasn’t enough they are not alone.

We have an alphabet of Authorities and Agencies that do the same thing year after year.

If you could believe the financials that they provide they lose millions in investments and real estate deals.

Why are Authorities and Agencies involved in investments and real estate in the first place?

And what are they going to do about this?

Practically nothing.

Even though Albany is enacting some type of legislation everyone knows it is too little too late.

Until we do away with all the agencies and authorities we will always be the ones left holding the bag.

We will continue to pay more for less service and our kids will walk while these millionaire board members and executives will continue to enjoy their free rides in more ways than we can even imagine.

It is time that we step up and say enough is enough.

Tomorrow we look at the LMDC.


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