Monday, June 15, 2009

What Government Should Be All About

Today we found out what government is all about.

Forget about Albany and the circus that continues to masquerade as a Legislature.

Forget about the pay for play or the behind the scene deals.

Forget about the Democrats, Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives.

What we saw here on Staten Island was a government of the people by the people and for the people.

We saw Staten Islanders taking the lead from the McAllister’s standing together for the right reasons.

We saw Dominick DeRubio prove that you are never too old or young to get involved.

We saw Jimmy Oddo and other Staten Island elected officials work for the people despite possibly getting on the wrong side of the mayor.

We saw that the power of the people is not just a catch phrase.

And Engine 161 will remain open.

A victory for all Staten Islanders and hopefully a message to the mayor that when push comes to shove, while we may bend we will not break.

So thank you Roe, Joe, Dominick, the South Beach Civic and everyone else who made this possible.

Thank you for restoring our faith in the system.

And to those in Albany we hope you are watching.

Because we have been reminded what government should be all about.

And it is sure as hell not what’s going on in our capital.

Dennis McKeon

Deal will save Staten Island's Engine Co. 161 from closure

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