Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Creativity can solve almost any problem

Creativity can solve almost any problem

The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.

George Lois

As every new day seems to unveil another major financial collapse many have become increasingly worried.

Banks, financial institutions, the major auto manufacturers one by one they are failing.

Executives of these companies have walked away with millions and left their employees and investors holding the bag.

The ones that remain are now counting on the government to bail them out.

A government that is already trillions of dollars in debt.

If this was any other country in the world, the end would surely be in site

But if the history of America has proven anything it is that you can never underestimate the ingenuity and resolve of Americans.

And while we have allowed a small percentage of our population bring us to the edge of financial ruin it will be the majority of the hard working people that will bring us back.

It’s not going to be the executives, it is not going to be the elected officials and it is definitely not going to be the bankers

As Mark Twain once said “A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.

For too long we have allowed bankers and banker types run this country.

And they have run it into the ground.

It is time for the American people to demand a change.

We need to stop the recycling of executives and elected officials.

By the way we keep bringing the same people back one would think this was the NBA or the NHL.

Hey here’s a guy who just ran Home Depot into the ground lets hire him to run Ford.

Over 75% of Congress has been in place during this debacle and what do we do?

We elect them all again and watch them point fingers at each other as the Dow hits lows it hasn’t seen in years.

We need to change the mentality from Washington to Wall Street.

If the government is bailing companies out then limit the salaries of the executives.

If they complain let them find other jobs as there are certainly thousands of others who would gladly step in.

Bonuses for these Government subsidized companies should only be granted if the company turns a real profit.

And all bonuses should be paid in stock options exercisable after five years to encourage sustainability.

Also any government subsidized company should not be allowed to pay for lobbyists as that would definitely create a conflict of interest.

And back on Capital Hill.

We should push for a “Political Pre-Nup” to hold our elected officials accountable. (See below for details)

And hold all government agencies to the same scrutiny.

And you can start with Few Emergencies Managed Adequately

As this agency has been following the same corporate strategy as our friends on Wall Street.

With no bid contracts and mismanagement millions have been denied the disaster assistance they needed.

And if it weren’t for the unlimited government checkbook they would be bankrupt as well.

Let the local grassroots get involved as they know what is need where it is needed and when it is needed.

There are thousands of great organizations that have helped millions while operating on shoe string budgets.

When is the last time the government even considered some of these programs?

If we are going to get back on track this is where it needs to start.

But it will only work if “We the People” are involved.

Tune in tomorrow for some creative ideas.

It's Time For A Political Pre-Nup


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