Monday, August 25, 2008


Am I the only one following this campaign who feels like I am watching reruns of Seinfeld?

We have a primary cast that could easily be replaced with Jerry, Elaine and George.

For the past year , we have heard all the great speeches about change and about what is wrong with America.

Not one of the candidates has set forth solid plans as to how this will be accomplished.

Seems that they all have clones of Kramer as their campaign managers.

With crazy schemes to get us where America needs to be, but no real plans as to how to get us there.

We have Elaine who seems to be more concerned about herself and always seems to rub people the wrong way.

We have Jerry who by trying to please everyone always winds up getting caught up in these schemes.

And we have George who is not a very good people person and changes day by day to be part of the "in crowd ".

I will leave it to you to connect the dots.

Seinfeld ran for nine seasons; and, it looks like one of these will run our country for the next eight.

The problem is running the country should be a little more important than a sitcom.

We are not going to be able to change the channel for at least 4 years; so we really should know a little more about what we are putting on.

Candidates should be required to make public their solutions for the country and not make vague promises that differ as they go from state by state.

Candidates should ask the people what they want, and not tell us what we need, or we are all going to wind up with nothing in the end.

At least with Seinfeld, you had something to talk about at the water cooler.

Was I the only one who got really nothing out of the debates?

I don't think so. I would bet that 9 out of 10 registered voters would not be able to tell you how their candidate proposes to fix the economy, health care, the immigration problem or national security.

It is a very sad commentary on our political system.

But we go merrily along just like we used to every Thursday night.

And we only have ourselves to blame.

Do you realize that the money that Jerry, Elaine and George have spent on their campaigns could have provided health care for everyone in need.

If everyone would contribute to a local not for profit that is trying to address people's needs, we might actually be able to make a difference.

Now that would be change.

But that appears to be wishful thinking and unfortunately will never happen.

Every four years, we will just get a new sitcom that catches the nation's eye and we will get another four years of nothing.

Unless we we start asking real questions and demanding real answers, we are going to wind up with one of these characters as our commander in chief with Kramer as the Vice President and a Cabinet made up of Neuman, Uncle Leo and the Soup Nazi.

Not funny but true.

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