Sunday, July 20, 2008


It was announced this week that the families will be allowed once again to descend the ramp into the pit at ground Zero probably for the last time on 9/11.

Compared to what we had to go through last year this came as very good news and I was tempted to think “maybe things are finally changing”.

But then the cynical side of me thinks no they are just throwing us a bone to make up for the delays and overspending made public over the last month.

No matter how hard I try to believe the sour taste of all the paste lies still remains and I just can’t.

Just today a reminder that the mismanagement at Ground Zero continues despite what the Mayor, Governor or Port Authority say appeared in a barely covered story in our local papers.

If you didn’t look you probably didn’t notice but the “Survivor’s Staircase” was moved yet again.

Now those in charge would say it had to be moved because of ongoing construction.

But common sense would ask why it was originally moved to a location where they knew construction was going to take place.

The current move at considerable expense just goes to show that there is no real plan for if there was the staircase would not have been moved until its final resting place was ready.

The cynical albeit logical side of me sees that waste and showmanship continue to be the order of business at Ground Zero.

As much as I like Billy Crystal wouldn’t it have made sense to put additional family members, particularly those who have shown continued concern for the goings on at Ground Zero, on the Board?

But it will always be about raising money rather than improving content.

Hey we are going to need it when we have to move the staircase again.

But the memorial will be ready for the 10th Anniversary.

Every time I look at the site and see the Deutsche Bank Building still standing I think how can I believe that the memorial will be complete if they cannot even dismantle a building.

But maybe that’s just me.


P.S. Still no response from anyone regarding the Hearts and Hands Memorial.

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