So now they are going to change the name of the Freedom Tower to One World Trade Center because according to the Port Authority that is the address of the location.
So to follow suit I guess we should change the name of the Empire State Building to 350 5th Avenue.
And while we’re at it we should make them change the name of Madison Square Garden to 7tth Ave and 32nd Street.
Does the Port Authority think we are idiots?
The reason the name is being changed is the same reason the search for remains was cut short….MONEY.
Some brilliant PA marketing manager is trying to blame the fact that they can’t get tenants because the building is named the Freedom Tower.
After nearly eight years they finally got their first tenants and they had to go to China to find them.
They can’t blame it on the economy because they couldn’t find tenants for the past eight years when the economy was good.
So blame it on the name.
Forget that the building was to be named the Freedom Tower to represent the freedom that we have in America the same freedom that the terrorists tried to take from us on 9/11..
Forget that it was to be named the Freedom Tower to honor all those who were killed on 9/11 whose freedom was taken away with their lives.
Forget the fact that it was to be named the Freedom Tower to honor all of our soldiers who have died protecting our freedom since 9/11.
Back when the original plans were being made in 2002 we were told that the site would represent the “Cradle of Democracy” and that the Freedom Tower would be a beacon to represent the freedom that we as Americans enjoy.
We should have known something was up because the original plans for this “Cradle of Democracy” did not even include an American flag.
So why should we be surprised when we are lied to again.
The LMDC and the Port Authority have buried the Memorial underground and they will continue to bury everything about 9/11.
Whether it is the remains at Fresh Kills or the unidentified remains of over 1,400 victims.
As long as they keep them buried people will forget.
As long as they drag out the process more and more will forget the broken promises and maybe the 9/11 families will leave them alone.
And the more people forget the more tenants will rent and the money they will make.
But with apologies to Janis Joplin the Port Authority thinks that “Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose”
And those making these decisions obviously did not lose anyone.
Because if they did and if they really cared we wouldn’t even be having this discussion under the shadow of the Deutsche Bank Building which they may want to change the name to 130 Liberty as it will probably be there for quite some time.
But why should we be surprised as this is just the latest installment of the clear and transparent process that has been the rebuilding of Ground Zero.
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