Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crisis of Confidence

There are admirable potentialities in every human being. Believe in your strength and your youth. Learn to repeat endlessly to yourself, 'It all depends on me.'
Andre Gide

As we embark on a journey through the worst economic times in our generation we hear over and over that there now exists a “crisis of confidence” throughout our country.
Unfortunately that may be true and it does not appear that anything is being done to restore that confidence.
History has shown that nations have fallen and empires have crumbled only because people have allowed them to.
Too often people become too dependent on government and in doing so they begin to lose their self confidence along with their self esteem.
Our government was created by the people and should not be in business to buy the people.
If we continue on this path of entitlement our future is bleak indeed.
If our children are taught that there is no such thing as failure where is their incentive to succeed?
Cheat, lie, steal and be criminally negligent and the government will bail you out.
Surely a roadmap for disaster as our youth will never learn the value of hard work or the satisfaction of a job well done.
Why should they become honest and hard working when it appears that those who are not are constantly being rewarded?
Although the current bailouts may have been a necessary evil they cannot become the foundation of our economic policy.
Businesses need to succeed or fail on their own merits.
Are these executives any different from Bernie Madoff, telling stockholders that all was well as they lined their pockets with millions in salaries and even more in bonuses?
Our government needs to start cultivating confidence by rewarding creativity as well as community and civic responsibility instead of political cronies and lobbyists.
We need programs like those created during the Depression like the CCC where our unemployed may participate and possibly earn tuition credits or mortgage assistance ( if we are going to buy the banks we should have a say in how they are run)
Volunteerism should also be rewarded.
We should consider giving students college tuition breaks based on the amount of hours they have volunteered during their pre-college days.
We should also reward returning veterans with a revamped GI Bill and make it easier for them to continue their educations or advance the skills they have learned while in service.
We need to tap into our ever growing number of retirees and senior citizens and reward them with partial medical benefits based on the hours they volunteer.
People would be much more confident in a government supporting programs such as these instead of bailing out banks or other companies so that they can spend like drunken sailors on corporate jets and naming rights to arenas and sporting events.
As children become more confident in their government and in their future they may begin to become more confident in themselves and we may actually eliminate this “Crisis of Confidence”


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