Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The latest development in the Brookfield Landfill saga is just another example of why people do not trust government.

For over 20 years the DEC and the DEP have lied both publically and privately.

They have purposely withheld findings while ignoring input from the Staten Island Community.

They have repeatedly missed deadlines and delayed the project.

They have put on dog and pony shows under the guise of “Public Hearings” which served no purpose as we are now told that the public will have no say in the new plan which will leave the community at risk and basically leave the site as an unused landfill.

All of this to save money that was already allocated to this project through the Super Fund to clean up toxic sites.

The same fund that was used to clean up every other identified toxic site.

So it appears that decades after this site was closed Staten Island is still getting dumped on.

We would be better off firing the high paid bureaucrats who have fattened their wallets by stonewalling this project from day one with no regard for the residents of Staten Island.

But we continue to allow these ABC agencies to basically do whatever they like answering to no one.

They twist facts, disregard any findings that do not agree with them just like when the EPA told everyone that there was no problem with air quality after 9/11 and the courts refuse to hold them accountable.

And you wonder why people, in particular Staten Islanders, don’t trust the government.

City seeking shortcuts on dump cleanup

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