The failure of the Senate to pass the Zadroga 9/11 Health Care Bill is just the latest example of all that is wrong with our current two party political system. Now while the Republicans are solely to blame in the current round a quick review of the bill’s history of this bill as well as its sister bill in the House will show that the Democrats also playing party politics have long delayed the bills getting anywhere near proposal.
In the house as well as in the Senate these bills have spent most of their times in committees as the party leaders would not even allow them out for a vote.
In the House’s case this was under direct orders from Nancy Pelosi who would not allow any bills out of committee until the President’s Health Care Agenda was moved forward.
In the Senate this was delayed and only put to a vote when they knew it would defeated as the Republicans vowed not to approve any bills until the Bush tax breaks were extended.
So we have both Republicans and Democrats playing party politics while people continue to die.
Is it only me or does anyone else believe that both parties are becoming more like the Borg Collective only moving forward as a block with no independent
thinking allowed?
They continue to totally disregard the majority of Americans and only move forward with what the “Party Wants”
All of our Senators and Representatives believe that “Resistance is Futile” as they fear the loss of campaign financing if they don’t tow the party line.
Well it’s about time we let them know that we want independent thinkers.
We elect candidates to represent us not the Republican or Democratic Parties.
We deserve more than these Stepford Senators and Representatives marching mindlessly to the orders of the Party Borg Collective.
It is now time that we make them release that “Resistance is Not Futile” and that we will no longer put up with it.
As Anthony J. D’Angelo once said we need to “Transcend political correctness and strive for human righteousness”
And we can start with the passage of the Zadroga Bill.
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