Monday, November 1, 2010


As it has been recently reported candidates for office in this midterm election will spend over $4 billion dollars on their campaigns.

That's right not $4 million...$4 billion and this is not even a presidential election year.

And that's just what they are going to spend; God only knows how much they have actually raised.

Maybe it's just me but in these tough economic times there are definitely better ways to spend this money.

People can't put food on their tables, unemployment is near record highs, schools are having their budgets slashed, the country's infrastructure is falling apart and we are trillions in debt but candidates can spend $4 billion attempting to get elected.

How can we expect any fiscal responsibility from any of them?

And this is just one side of the coin.

You then you have the millions that has been raised that will just go into campaign war chests for future elections or even worse spent on legal fees for when quite a few of those elected get into trouble.

And this process is repeated every two years with the numbers jumping during a presidential election.

So much for campaign finance reform.

They say that money can't buy you love but it is obvious they think that it can buy an election.

And it doesn't say much about what they think about the electorate.

Half of these ads just bash opponents with very little regard to honesty.

To say that they stretch the truth is an understatement.

The other half exaggerate what the incumbents have accomplished or overstate what the challengers will do if elected.

But they must think that it is worth it because the spending increases with every election.

And it is our fault if we let these ads impact our decisions.

If an incumbent is not doing the job vote him or her out.

If you only see a challenger come election time disregard him or her.

We need to put people in office who are involved with our community and care about “our needs”

We need hands on people of action.

As they say a good trailer does not guarantee a good movie.

Tomorrow let’s tell them we are smarter then they think.

If we don’t we will wind up with another two years of broken promises and little change.

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