Tuesday, December 30, 2008

St. Johns Alumni Assistance Program

In support of those alumni who have lost their jobs in the past six months, St. John's has launched the Alumni Assistance Program which offers a 50% discount on tuition for unemployed alumni who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree. The program includes job search assistance and professional development.

Monday, December 29, 2008

2008.....2009...."Taxation Without Representation"

Looking back at 2008 from a strictly financial point of view things could not have been much worse.

The stock market crash, banks and financial institutions folding and the big 3 auto makers holding on for dear life.

Just when we thought we had seen the worst we had the Madoff Ponzi scheme uncovered and another $50 Billion was lost.

It just seems we can never learn from our mistakes.

Greed was good to a lot of people until the house of cards came crashing down.

And as always the typical response was we will get the government to bail us out.

Once again will we ever learn?

Where were the fiscal watchdogs, where was the SEC?

And why are the guilty never punished?

Top execs still pulling down million dollar salaries and Madoff sitting in his $7 Million penthouse while the rest of us have to worry about paying the bills.

Almost everyone I know has forgotten about retirement as their 401 K’s have lost most of their value.

And these are the people who go to work every day and care for their families.

The ones that will wind up paying for the bailouts with higher taxes and fewer services.

Hundreds of billions and bailouts and we will tax people who don’t drink diet soda.

And if you think our elected officials are going to fix this mess just look at how many of them were either arrested or indicted last year alone.

And almost all of them are still in office.

In New York alone we had a drunk driving Congressman, an Attorney General paying hookers and at least 2 Councilman accused of attacking their girlfriends or co-workers just to name a few.

And while our Governor appears to be deciding on our new Senator looking only at pedigree instead of qualifications at least he is not selling the seat to the highest bidder as they tried to do in Illinois.

Numerous times we have called for a political pre-nup and were are laughed at.

But the fact of the matter is that if these elected officials know that they will not be punished if caught the risk appears to be worth the reward.

We need the good elected officials to make a stand and there are a lot of them.

If just one would stand up and publically take the pre nup it would be a start……JUST ONE

But as corruption and mismanagement run rampant they all turn a blind eye.

And it will appear to be status quo in 2009.

The MTA is already looking into a federal bail out.

Not to hold down the price of tolls or keep current service but to build new stations.

Wouldn’t the money be better spent maintaining current services and tolls?

If you don’t have money to pay the bills on your home you don’t take out a loan to put on an extension.

Don’t those in power see that it is this kind of thinking that has gotten us into our current predicament?

But no they will continue to let the Authorities mismanage their budgets and give sweet deals to the same companies that miss deadlines and overrun their budgets.

Agencies will continue to be top heavy when it comes to salaries and John Q Public will continue to foot the bill.

They will close firehouses and put lives in jeopardy before they will even think about having these execs at these agencies take a salary cut.

Or they will award political patronage with additional staff or grants because they can.

Well if we want 2009 to be any better than 2008 we need to start saying no you can’t

“Taxation Without Representation” was not just a slogan but the foundation on which this country was built.

It’s about time we reminded our elected officials.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Now that all the wrapping paper and boxes are out for recycling we can really see what we got this year.

We are sure that there is something there that’s just not right.

Now you have 3 choices.

You can spend a few hours on the return line (if you have a receipt).

You can toss it in the closet where it will remain until you either run out of room and it winds up in the trash

Or you can give it to us and we will make sure that it either gets to someone who needs it or that it will be put to good use.

Through the Re-Gifting for a Good Cause Program

Clothes and toys will go to needy families

CD’s and DVD’s will go to soldiers in Military Hospitals

Everything else will be sold at a Flea Market and the proceeds will go to fund Where to Turn Programs such as the “Snow Shoveling for Seniors” and the “Changing the Face of Staten Island” Graffiti Removal programs.

Last year we collected over 2,500 items and this season we distributed over 1,200 toys.

Just drop an item off at any of our drop off points listed below.

To learn how you can become a drop off point or get your school or organization more involved contact us at info@where-to-turn.org or visit our website at www.where-to-turn.org

Thank you in advance for your support


Re-Gifting Drop Off Locations

Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane #312
Staten Island, NY 10308

Senator Andrew Lanza
3845 Richmond Ave 2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10312

Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer
586B Midland Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10306

Assemblyman Michael Cusick
1911 Richmond Ave
Staten Island, NY 10314

Assemblyman Lou Tobacco
4062 Amboy Road
Staten Island, NY 10308

Project Hospitality
100 Park Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10302

Historic Richmond Town
3rd County Courthouse
441 Clarke Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10306

Rabs Country Lanes
1600 Hylan Blvd
Staten Island, NY 10305

A & T Bagels
4300 Amboy Road
Staten Island, NY 10312

Community Board #3
655-218 Rossville Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10309

Dr. Carol Freund
Bethany Commons Building One, Suite 10A
Hazlet, NJ 07733 732-739-1773
(located at Rt.35 and Bethany Road/ across from K-Mart and
Toys-R-Us/Garden State exit 117)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Civic and Community Responsibility into 2009

We have always felt that Staten Island was years ahead of the rest of the country in this effort but according to the statistics shared New York ranks as one of the lowest states in citizen involvement and volunteerism.

We at Where to Turn are going to double our efforts in an attempt to rectify this situation.

Through our Where to Turn Community Circle Initiative (http://www.where-to-turn.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=80) we will be reaching out to all our local schools civic groups, community boards and elected officials to recruit volunteers into our current programs and support of the volunteer efforts by posting their events.

We have also proposed programs at the National level to both Senator Clinton and Schumer (see below for details)

For a list of all of our Where to Turn Programs go to


For additional volunteer opportunities go to


We have already reached out to all of our local elected officials through our Campaigning for our Community Program asking candidates to offer their campaign workers of a day of community work.

We will continue to work with our court ordered offenders through our weekly graffiti cleanups but we will also work with any school to coordinate additional cleanups.

We also will ask all Staten Island Schools to adopt a block in their neighborhood and keep it graffiti and litter free. Where to Turn will supply the paint and supplies.

We are currently recruiting volunteers for this year’s Snow Shoveling for Seniors Program.

Last year we shoveled for over 625 seniors and this year our goal is 750.

Information and applications can be found at


We will also be planning our Re-Gifting for a Good Cause Flea Market and will need volunteers. We are also asking schools if they can begin supporting the effort by collecting unwanted gifts. We are also looking for some new toys to be distributed over the Holidays. We will arrange pick up at your convenience.

We have also passed on the following to our elected officials

National Recommendations

Proactive Support

Instead of waiting to coordinate efforts after hurricanes hit we recommend that schools and churches in non hurricane regions adopt schools and churches in hurricane regions or regions impacted by other natural disasters.

This will develop a proactive relationship. If a hurricane should hit our local school or church would have a contact at the hurricane impacted school or church and would be able to coordinate the collection of what is needed.

This could also be expanded to community groups and police departments, fire departments etc.

Where to Turn will arrange to cover the shipping costs by recruiting corporate sponsors. The coordination of the shipping will be expedited as all information would already be on file.

Recruiting Retiree Volunteers

Set up a federal or state fund which will support medical benefits to recent retirees who volunteer at least 20 hours a week at not for profits or schools.

This will supply valuable resources while cutting the payrolls of not for profits while provided medical benefits for those who have lost them when they retired.

Where to Turn is ready to coordinate a pilot program on Staten Island.

Volunteerism = Financial Aid

Have Colleges and Universities (especially at the state and city level) offer financial aid based on the amount of community service hours incoming students have accumulated over their pre college years.

Local organizations can be set up to track and document student volunteer hours

Injured Soldiers Benefits

Both candidates spoke of the problem of recruiting and retaining soldiers in the military.

One of the major problems is the pathetic treatment of injured veterans (both mentally and physically) when they return home.

Even though this was newsworthy last year little has been done and the injured vets continue to suffer.

Our proposal is that a certain percentage of each year’s military budget be dedicated to the treatment of returning soldiers.

If we dedicate even 3 to 5 percent we will have more than enough the properly treat the needs of those who have given up.

I believe that last year the only 1/10 of 1% of the total military budget went to veteran benefits. That is a disgrace.

In times of war as the military budget increases we will be able to bank funds to assist vets when they return.

We welcome your participation and suggestions.

Dennis McKeon
Executive Director
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island, NY 10308


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We just got back from dropping off the last of the toys.

In total we distributed nearly 1,200 toys to needy families and organizations including

Project Hospitality
The Daughters of Africa
New Hope Community Church
Staten Island University Hospital
The Latino Civic Association
The Staten Island Family Service Preventive Program

We would like to once again thank St. Johns, Notre Dame High School, Dr. Costagliola and everyone else who donated the toys.

Through contributions from Chuck Weitzel (The Free Lighting Corp) and the Guarino Family we were also able to distribute $1,500 worth of movie tickets and gift cards.

Through all your efforts we were able to make Christmas just a little bit better for some of those in need.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas to all.


P.S. Hope we can count on you to make the Re-Gifting Program as successful (click below for details)


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

NYC Council Invite

December 23, 2008

Dear New Yorker,

On behalf of the New York City Council and our Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, I would like to invite you to City Hall on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. to view the historic moment that President-elect Barack Obama is sworn into office. City Hall will open its doors to all New Yorkers on Inauguration Day. Even though we cannot all be in Washington, DC, that day, we may still come together to view this historic event.

Voter turnout in the 2008 election was a record high. Enthusiasm about Obama's election has continued to grow since then, creating significant interest in the inauguration and the work that lies ahead for his administration. Recognizing that during these difficult financial times many New Yorkers may be unable to make the trip to our nation's capital for the inauguration, the Council will open our side of City Hall to the public for this special occasion.

Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. The inaugural ceremony traditionally begins around 10 a.m. and lasts for about two hours. The Council will have big screen televisions set up in the Council Chambers, the Committee Room, and the Rotunda.

All New Yorkers are welcome! Space is limited, though, so please RSVP by January 16th to 212-442-1649 or via email to events@council.nyc.gov.

Thank you.

Christine C. Quinn
New York City Council

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where to Turn Update 12/18



As you may have heard we will be getting snow tomorrow and again on Sunday.

Our 500 volunteers will be out but there will still be nearly 2,000 seniors who will be without a volunteer.

If you have any seniors on your block please help them out.

I got 25 calls from seniors and another 50 after my presentation at St. Joseph Hill Academy to find volunteers..

If you are out shoveling your walk do theirs as well after all it is Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas we will be distributing toys for the Daughters of Africa and the Staten Island Family Service Preventive Program.

Chuck Weitzel dropped off the check and I went to COSTCO and bought 120 movie tickets.

We will distribute them to the older kids that we don’t have presents for.

We also left a message at Lee’s Tavern to see if Santa needs any additional toys.

We will drop them off if they do and deliver a batch to the hospital between graffiti cleanups.

We will also fill some requests we got for individual families on Sunday.

Please let us know if you know any families in need.

Police Union Criticizes Effort to Reduce a Pension Benefit


Saturday, December 13, 2008


I attended the rally today as Staten Islanders tried to convince the mayor to save Engine 161 which is vital to the safety of the residents of South Beach and the surrounding areas.

I listened to each speaker give their reasons for keeping the firehouse open.

One after the other they stated one good reason after another.

On the other hand the only reason for closing it according to the Mayor was that the budget could not afford it.

The fact of the matter is that there are a myriad of agencies that should be cut long before we hit the FDNY or the NYPD.

The problem is these services are staffed by hard working New Yorkers while the other agencies are top heavy with politically appointed executives drawing six figure salaries.

God help us if they should lose their jobs.

The bottom line is when it comes to the ABC’s of cost cutting it always appears that the FDNY and the NYPD are the first hit.

How about looking at the rest of the alphabet?

You can start with the LMDC.

This agency created by the city and the state to distribute $3 Billion in federal aid to develop Lower Manhattan

Well one only has to look at the great job they have done at Ground Zero to see how well that went.

And even after the money was distributed and they created another alphabetic agency (the LMDCC) to manage the work which is also being managed by the PA which continues to pay Silverstein $300,000 a day in fines because they keep missing their deadlines the LMDC still exists.

And what is even worse is that we are paying the LMDC salaries to the tune of $4.2 million a year and that doesn’t even include what we are paying for the LMDCC.

Over $4 million a year to an agency that has spent nearly a billion dollars on the dismantling of the Deutsche Bank Building and it still stands and has taken the lives of 2 brave firefighters in the process.

Lets not stop at the LMDC we can go to the TBA which can spend millions on changing names of bridges or the MTA which totally mismanages its operations and investments and comes back to the tax payers to foot the bill.

The list goes on and on.

Does anyone remember the great job they did with OTB? But that’s another story.

When asked why these execs get paid so much we are told that they need to be to pull qualified people from corporate America.

Well there are a lot more execs from corporate America looking for work right now.

Shut down the LMDC, cut the city and state agencies at the executive level and pay the auditors more to eliminate the slush funds and corruption inherent in the system.

That’s where the mayor and governor should start.

Not with Engine 161 because the last time I looked when these agencies don’t do their jobs it costs us money.

When firefighters and police officers can’t do their jobs it costs lives.

It’s as simple as ABC.


Please Sign On

Petition to Keep Engine 161 Operational 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week


Friday, December 12, 2008


The South Beach Civic Association is holding a rally on this Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 11:00 AM, to protest the night time closing of Engine 161 on McClean Avenue. This is a danger to all.

We really need to get as many people involved as we can.

Those interested in participating can contact South Beach Civic at 718-930-6603 or 347-596-5199.

Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008



So now we have the Governor of Illinois accused of offering Barack Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder.

We have numerous high ranking officials in both Houses of Congress under investigation for various potentially illegal activities.

And it seems that everyday we hear of another governor, mayor or other elected official being indicted or accused of improper acts.

It appears that things are going to get worse before they get better.

When hundreds of billions are spent on campaigns one can only assume that favors are expected especially from major donors.

Add in additional hundreds of millions that lobbyists spend and you have a system just asking for corruption.

The difference between what a lobbyist provides and what constitutes a bribe seems to be a very gray area.

The government then spends millions more defending the accused and the majority of them get to retire with little or no penalties and get to collect their pensions.

All paid for by the taxpayer.

It has got to stop.

Back in July we posted our request for the establishment of a political pre-nup which would hold elected officials and their staffs liable for their actions. (see below)

We also asked for any elected official to step forward and voluntarily make the commitment to abide by this plan.

Needless to say not even one has done so.

We once again call on our electeds to do the right thing.

Set an example and give us just a little assurance that there is some integrity in politics.

Major league sports have clauses enabling them to get rid of players do to conduct detrimental to their leagues.

Shouldn't our elected officials be required to at least pay for the same rules.

We think so and again call for a "Political Pre-Nup"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Aren't Our Children As Important?

As most of us prepare for the holiday season we have yet another family who will have to instead arrange a funeral for their child.

In Houston a 3 year old was killed, crushed by a falling television.

And this is not an isolated incident.

As the article below indicates one hospital in Houston had 6 tip over deaths in 2006 alone

For the past four years bills have died in Committee that could have prevented these deaths.

First HR Bill 1861 and now it appears HR Bill 4266 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/thomas) will suffer the same fate as only 11 co-sponsors have signed on.

Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 2/7/2008
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] - 1/16/2008
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel [MO-5] - 2/6/2008
Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] - 3/14/2008
Rep Fossella, Vito [NY-13] - 12/19/2007
Rep Graves, Sam [MO-6] - 2/14/2008
Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. [NJ-2] - 12/18/2007
Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] - 12/4/2007
Rep Moore, Dennis [KS-3] - 2/25/2008
Rep Price, David E. [NC-4] - 2/25/2008
Rep Skelton, Ike [MO-4] - 3/4/2008

Click link below for full details:


So while Congress continues to bail out our banks and auto manufactures and spends months investigating baseball the most innocent and vulnerable of our population continue to be ignored.

And they continue to die because those in office just don’t give a damn.

More and more people are buying flat screen TV’s for their walls and the ones they are replacing wind up in the basement or in a child’s room.

Accidents just waiting to happen.

This bill will make people aware of the potential dangers of TV’s and other types of furniture and give them an opportunity to protect their children.

And unlike the hundreds of billions being spent on bailouts this bill will cost next to nothing.

Unfortunately Congress continues to think our children are not worth it

Please join the nearly 11,000 people who have signed our petition and contact your representative and tell them that we think they are.


This brief article indicates that at this one hospital in Houston they had 6 tip over deaths in just one year (2006).

Saturday, December 6, 2008


As I was coming back from getting my newspaper this morning I noticed a group of at least 100 people (Mostly Seniors) waiting for the bus to Atlantic City.

This afternoon there was a group almost double that size waiting in the same spot.

As the economy gets worse more and more people are taking a chance.

And the government continues to try to bring draw more and more into this trap with ads in print on radio and on TV.

More and more seniors and young kids are getting drawn.

Something needs to be done.

This was first published last year and I thought we should share it again.

Take a moment and read it and the articles below.


Do You Know a Family in Need?

Do You Know a Family in Need?...Become a " Where to Turn Angel"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Rich Get Richer Part II

We did a little more research on what is going on with World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company.

First of all click on the link below for a press release relating to the company and the mishandling of claims.

Press Release: Status of Compensation for 9/11 Illnesses


Our first clue that nothing was going to come of this should have been that it was released on April Fools Day 2008.

As usual with how any 9/11 or WTC issue has been handled the joke was on us.

In response to the concerns addressed in the press release an audit by the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security found that the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company did nothing Illegal and has the right to fight every claim.

This is like a scene right out John Grisham's "The Rainmaker" they will continue to deny every claim that comes in.

The only difference is in the book the client wins.

Here we have the Office of Homeland Security stating that it is perfectly legal for this company to use funds designated to help victims to pay legal and administrative fees.

The last time I looked grants and contracts for not for profits had to be justified by the number of people the program serviced.

Only a certain percentage of the grant or contract could be used for legal or administrative fees.

But it appears here that the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company does not have to play by the same rules.

Over the last four years more than 99% of the costs charged have been administrative and legal.

Not a single dollar has been paid to anyone who suffered from toxic exposure as the only claims paid ($320,000) were for orthopedic injuries.

The company went as far as to try to have all the claims thrown out of court by arguing that the city had blanket immunity because the injuries were a result of a terrorist act.

But that didn't work so now they just litigate every claim.

So by the time they pay all the lawyers and staff, combined with what they continue to lose in the stock market it appears there will be little left to pay any claims.

And with the possible exception of Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein who has demanded that lawyers from both sides turn over information on each case and is pushing for trials and settlements and New York Post reporter Sue Edelman who continues to pursue this story, nothing is done.

And the claims continue to be submitted and at last count there were over 10,000 claims for respiratory and toxic injuries alone.

If they had no intention of paying claims they could have bought a rubber stamp marked "DENIED" for $1.99 and saved hundreds of millions.

The result for the victims would have been the same.

Hopefully the new Administration will take a look at this as it is time for a change.