The problem that faces the country today can be tied to greed and lack of oversight
Greed not only in our corporate executive but throughout government as well.
If our Federal Government was an actual business it would be looking for a bailout as well.
Here are a few ideas for reform at the top
Campaign Finance Reform
During the last campaign over $5 Billion was spent by candidates to basically buy their way into office.
The two candidates running for President spent $1.2 Billion on their campaigns alone.
Now what type of example does that set?
People do not have enough money to put food on the table but we can afford to spend $5 Billion on campaign expenses.
And to add insult to injury many local campaigns actually receive matching funds that come from you guessed it the taxpayers.
Matching funds were originally instituted to even the playing field but obviously that has not worked.
Maybe we should limit the amount of money allowed to be spent on campaigns at various levels.
Don’t you think that $5 Billion is a little excessive?
If they are going to go after corporate executives for excessive spending they should hold the mirror up to themselves as well.
Between the spending and the time spent away from their official responsibilities our elected officials are no better then their Wall Street counterparts.
Reform has to start at the top.
Government Spending
Do you remember the scene in “Dave” where he sits with his cabinet to come up with money to save a day care center?
He asks the question “Why do we keep paying companies for services not delivered”?
That’s what we need to do at all level of government.
Discontinue contracts to companies that have not delivered and distribute them to other eligible companies.
The same needs to be done with grant recipients
Don’t let these companies and recipients walk away without delivering.
Once we begin showing more accountability in government maybe we will get some in corporate America.
Do As I Say Not As I Do
Unfortunately many of our elected officials do not practice what they preach.
We have Congressman who besides two private homes also has multiple rent stabilized apartments
We have an Attorney General who is going after corporate excesses while accepting up to $50,000 contributions from these same people to attend his birthday party.
These are just two examples.
There are many others
How are people supposed to take what they say seriously?
Who Has The Authority?
Government has created so many agencies that operate with little or no oversight.
In New York we have the Authorities,
From the MTA to the PA these independent agencies basically make up there own rules.
They expand way past their original responsibilities and when they get into fiscal trouble the taxpayer is the one who pays.
The MTA is a perfect example as to why we need to eliminate the Authorities.
Just last year they raised fares with the promise of extra service.
Having not delivered on any of the promises they are now asking for additional fare increases as well as subsidies from the city.
An agency that has repeatedly been accused of hiding profits with questionable bookkeeping practices is basically allowed to do what it pleases and answers to no one.
You can get similar stories from all of the Authorities and government created agencies.
Where do the billions in tolls collected by the TBA go?
Why is the PA even involved in buildings such as the World Trade Center?
And we would love to talk about all the other agencies such as the LMDC but we just don’t have the time.
Where Do We Go From Here
We all know that we are in for some tough times.
Most of us are resigned to the fact that taxes will rise.
Paying taxes is a fact of life but when your taxes are raised to cover mismanagement and governmental excess it is a bitter pill to swallow.
Why should we be called on to bail government out if they are not doing their part?
Tomorrow Some Possible Solutions
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