Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who Is Going to Bail Out Washington?

As Congress continues to fight about this $700 Billion bail out package almost entirely along party lines the country's fall deeper and deeper into this Recession that they assure us we are not in.

While we continue to find it hard to make ends meet, and keep food on the table through no fault of our own, the country is willing to bail out institutions that have only greed to blame for their current situations.

Many have proposed better ways to spend the $700 Billion.

We could give nearly $25,000 to every citizen.

We could pay off every mortgage in the country

We could stabilize Social Security

Or we could solve the health care problem, or the education problem or fix all the roads and bridges in the entire country and still have money to spare.

But we won't.

The people who have the most to do with putting people in Washington will continue to be protected.

Protected by the same people deciding on this $700 Billion bailout.

Now lets take a look at the logic behind that.

People who continue to approve budgets that now have the county over a trillion dollars in debt are the ones that are deciding how we now going to be fiscally responsible.

People who were more concerned with steroids in Major League Baseball than what was happening on Wall Street are going make everything right.

People who spend more time campaigning than they do governing are going to save the day.

Somehow we do not think so.

Imagine if you had a two or six year contract and told your boss that you wanted nearly two years paid leave to compete for a better job.

How quickly would you be shown the door?

But we allow it to happen every four years at the national level and on a smaller scale almost every year at the local level.

Doesn't anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

And these are the people that are going to restore fiscal stability.

People who don't worry about Social Security System because they have guaranteed lifetime pensions after serving only a few terms.

Talk about golden parachutes.

This is not a Democratic or a Republican problem even though both parties place the blame on the other.

Both of our Presidential candidates have been in Washington long enough and should have been aware of what was going on.

While executives from these institutions have been pulling down millions of dollars a year approving questionable practices our next President has been on the campaign trail raising hundreds of millions to win the election.

Is that what we are paying him to do?

And the same can be said for every other elected official running for office.

And these are the same people that bailed out the Dot Coms and the Savings and Loans.

The same people who think that the solution to every problem is as simple as writing a check.

And they continue to write checks that unfortunately our country's body can't cash.

Not so much different than what happened on Wall Street.

Maybe we should be looking at regulating our elected officials

If we don't, when the time comes and at this rate it is coming quickly, who is going to bail out Washington?

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