Over the past two days the Deutsche Bank Building is back in the news again.
There were reports yesterday that the demolition costs will now run to $300 Million and today we hear that there is now a Grand Jury investigation into the handling of the building.
Our question continues to be why has it taken so long?
The Deutsche Bank Building is just one of the symptoms of the disease that has been the rebuilding effort at Ground Zero.
From what appears to be a shell company that was hired to handle the initial deconstruction to the total mismanagement of the site that has led to the death of 2 NYC firefighters and a current ridiculous price tag.
The building still stands…..and very little has been built around it.
One only has to look around Ground Zero to see the other symptoms.
As the site remains an open scar that tears into the hearts of 9/11 family members every day.
But the taxpayers will continue to fund the LMDC and the Port Authority as they continue to write checks to questionable companies and ignore overruns and missed schedules, while nobody is held responsible.
And the families will not have a memorial for the 10th Anniversary and on 9/11/08 they will once again have to hold their ceremony in the shadow of 130 Liberty.
The symbol of all that is wrong at Ground Zero.
(Posted 8/19/2007)
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