The Washington Post has reported that more than 30 lawmakers and a few staff members were under scrutiny, including nearly half the members of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee.
The sad part of this story is that any of these Representatives if indicted will be able to use campaign funds to pay their legal fees.
So taxpayers not only pay their salaries but also have to foot the bill for their legal costs when they get caught stealing from the public.
Is that why you contribute to campaigns?
And it is not only at the Federal level.
The Associated Press has reported that former NY State Senate Leader Joe Bruno has already spent $633,000 in campaign funds on criminal lawyers.
Question: When is the madness going to stop?
Answer: Only when we hold these elected officials responsible for their actions.
We once again call for a political pre-nup which we would ask each candidate to sign.
This pre-nup would state that if they are forced from their positions due to illegal or improper behavior they will give up any claim to any pensions or benefits that they may be entitled to. And they agree to pay back any monies that may have been illegally gained without dispute. We could also add that they would agree not to use any campaign funds for legal defense.
See post below from 7/13/08 when we first requested this.
It's Time For A Political Pre-Nup
We are still looking for at least one candidate to voluntarily sign one but we are not too optimistic.
A great commentary on our political process.
We would love to have the media ask any of the candidates on the record if they would be willing to do this.
In the meantime we would at least like someone to introduce some legitimate campaign finance legislation which would prohibit the use of campaign funds for legal expenses. It should also limit the amount a candidate can carry over after the election.
Wouldn’t you agree it’s time has come.
Names Leaked in House Ethics Probes|main|dl4|link4|
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Each year we have candidates running for office promising what they are going to do for “us”.
They constantly state that they are running “for us” and will “work for us”
I am going to take a page out of Bill Clinton’s playbook and ask how do they define “us”?
Because the entire political process seems to have very little to do with “us”.
This includes the candidates, the media and the elected officials once they take office.
Here are a few examples
In New York they asked “us” in a referendum if we wanted term limits.
We said yes.
But “they” said to hell with “us” and did away with them any way.
In Congress the majority of Representatives back the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009.
But Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who doesn’t represent any of “us” is holding the bill hostage and refuses to put it up for a vote even though there are enough votes to pass it.
Now how is that representing “us”?
And the media is even worse.
The Obama administration refuses to even acknowledge the Fox Network because “they” don’t agree with the administration’s policies.
MSNBC and CNN reports are almost always pro administration.
These are supposed to be news networks and are supposed to be reporting facts not opinions.
Are we not entitled to the facts?
Aren’t we smart enough to form our own opinions?
Again I ask what about “us”?
The same can be said of almost any newspaper or radio outlet.
What ever happened to “all the news that’s fit to print” or “we report you decide”?
If they really cared about “us” these would be more than just catch phrases.
Well it is time that we demand that they all start representing “us”
And we are made up of many races, many religions, many political opinions and many life styles.
And they have been elected to represent “us”
And we can begin with Nancy Pelosi.
We need to let her know that her house is in California and not Washington DC.
And while she may control that one she does not control the one on Capital Hill.
And until we change the name of it to the House of Nancy Pelosi or the House of Bohner it is still the House of Representatives.
And they better start representing “us”…all of “us” and not just their personal agendas.
And this goes for all our elected officials from the President on down to our local representatives.
And to all the media outlets as well.
As the old adage goes “there is no I in team” and the last time I looked there is no I in USA either.
But there is an “US”
And if they don’t start listing to “us” and representing “us” we will find someone who will.
And we will put the “US” back into USA.
They constantly state that they are running “for us” and will “work for us”
I am going to take a page out of Bill Clinton’s playbook and ask how do they define “us”?
Because the entire political process seems to have very little to do with “us”.
This includes the candidates, the media and the elected officials once they take office.
Here are a few examples
In New York they asked “us” in a referendum if we wanted term limits.
We said yes.
But “they” said to hell with “us” and did away with them any way.
In Congress the majority of Representatives back the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009.
But Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who doesn’t represent any of “us” is holding the bill hostage and refuses to put it up for a vote even though there are enough votes to pass it.
Now how is that representing “us”?
And the media is even worse.
The Obama administration refuses to even acknowledge the Fox Network because “they” don’t agree with the administration’s policies.
MSNBC and CNN reports are almost always pro administration.
These are supposed to be news networks and are supposed to be reporting facts not opinions.
Are we not entitled to the facts?
Aren’t we smart enough to form our own opinions?
Again I ask what about “us”?
The same can be said of almost any newspaper or radio outlet.
What ever happened to “all the news that’s fit to print” or “we report you decide”?
If they really cared about “us” these would be more than just catch phrases.
Well it is time that we demand that they all start representing “us”
And we are made up of many races, many religions, many political opinions and many life styles.
And they have been elected to represent “us”
And we can begin with Nancy Pelosi.
We need to let her know that her house is in California and not Washington DC.
And while she may control that one she does not control the one on Capital Hill.
And until we change the name of it to the House of Nancy Pelosi or the House of Bohner it is still the House of Representatives.
And they better start representing “us”…all of “us” and not just their personal agendas.
And this goes for all our elected officials from the President on down to our local representatives.
And to all the media outlets as well.
As the old adage goes “there is no I in team” and the last time I looked there is no I in USA either.
But there is an “US”
And if they don’t start listing to “us” and representing “us” we will find someone who will.
And we will put the “US” back into USA.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Just a heads up of what is going on with your leadership in Washington.
Even though there are enough votes committed Speaker of the House Pelosi will not allow the Zadroga bill to be put up for a vote until the Health Care Bill is resolved.
How too faced can you be?
If Health Care is so important why would you deny it to those who got sick risking their lives saving victims of the worst attack in the history of America?
Call your Representative and demand that they do not allow this to continue.
They are playing political Russian roulette with the lives of our loved ones while pushing their own agendas.
We need to stand up and be heard.
Too many have died already while Congress begins to look more and more like the NYS Senate.
You cannot continue to remain silent.
Also join the rally on Saturday
Coalition of 9/11 Organizations Press Conference 10/24/09
Even though there are enough votes committed Speaker of the House Pelosi will not allow the Zadroga bill to be put up for a vote until the Health Care Bill is resolved.
How too faced can you be?
If Health Care is so important why would you deny it to those who got sick risking their lives saving victims of the worst attack in the history of America?
Call your Representative and demand that they do not allow this to continue.
They are playing political Russian roulette with the lives of our loved ones while pushing their own agendas.
We need to stand up and be heard.
Too many have died already while Congress begins to look more and more like the NYS Senate.
You cannot continue to remain silent.
Also join the rally on Saturday
Coalition of 9/11 Organizations Press Conference 10/24/09
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
To All
Got this E-Update from the LMDC today
Eight and a half years later.
At a cost of over $300 Million (do you know how many sick victims could have been treated with this money?)
Corruption, kickbacks and under the table deals.
The improper removal of victims’ remains
The death of 2 NYC firefighters
And we are supposed to be happy that they are finally getting this done.
This building will always stand as an example of all that has been wrong at Ground Zero.
But we keep on dumping millions into the LMDC and LMCCC
Some things never change
Dear Community Member,
Yesterday, the NYC Department of Buildings issued permits to demolish the remaining 26 floors of the former Deutsche Bank Building at 130 Liberty Street. The General Contractor, Bovis Lend Lease, and its subcontractor, LVI/Mizzochi, are now mobilizing the equipment necessary for the work to begin. Demolition is expected to begin Monday, November 2nd.
Got this E-Update from the LMDC today
Eight and a half years later.
At a cost of over $300 Million (do you know how many sick victims could have been treated with this money?)
Corruption, kickbacks and under the table deals.
The improper removal of victims’ remains
The death of 2 NYC firefighters
And we are supposed to be happy that they are finally getting this done.
This building will always stand as an example of all that has been wrong at Ground Zero.
But we keep on dumping millions into the LMDC and LMCCC
Some things never change
Dear Community Member,
Yesterday, the NYC Department of Buildings issued permits to demolish the remaining 26 floors of the former Deutsche Bank Building at 130 Liberty Street. The General Contractor, Bovis Lend Lease, and its subcontractor, LVI/Mizzochi, are now mobilizing the equipment necessary for the work to begin. Demolition is expected to begin Monday, November 2nd.
As our country tries to recover from one of the worst economic downturns in its history many people are living day to day.
Foreclosures are still near all time highs.
Unemployment numbers are staggering.
Retirement is no longer a possibility for many.
Everyone is just trying to survive.
Well not everyone.
As it appears that our candidates are recession proof.
While the country’s economy crashed and burned last year’s presidential candidates raised more money than ever before.
And it’s not just at the top.
Just this week two fundraising events pulled in over $5 million for the Democratic Party in New York alone.
Similar events are doing the same for the Republicans and all the other parties all across the nation.
We may not have money for health care or for our schools but we continue to fork over the bucks to any Tom, Dick or Mary running for office.
And what do they do with this money?
They fill our mailboxes with campaign literature telling us all the great things they have done if they are in office or promising the great things that they will do if they get into office.
They fill the airways with ads (fact checking optional) bashing their opponents
If truth in advertising applied 90% of them would be in jail.
On the other hand they wouldn’t because they can also use these same campaign funds to hire the best lawyers to keep them out.
One of our esteemed Congressmen has spent over $500,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal fees over the past year.
And I am sure that one of our NYS Senators will be doing the same over the next few months.
Is this what you really want to do with your money?
Campaign reform is a joke and there is nothing we can do about big business and their pay to play policies.
There is also nothing we can do about the lobbyists who continue to buy and sell elected officials like they were penny stocks.
But there is something we can do at least at our level.
The next time you are thinking about writing a check out for a campaign maybe think about giving at least part of it to a local charity.
The next time you are going to spend hundreds of dollars to attend a campaign dinner think about going to an event like the Poor Peoples Dinner or a fundraiser for a local not for profit instead.
The next time you are going to spend hundreds of dollars for a handshake or a photo op with a candidate think about the sick first responders that these same people continue to ignore and write a check to the Fealgood Foundation or some other organization that is actually doing some good.
The bottom line is that if an elected official has done a good job his record should speak for itself.
And if it doesn’t vote for the other guy.
There is no reason why these candidates should be allowed to build up millions in campaign war chests for future elections while some of us can’t even afford to put food on the table.
The process has gotten so bad that we allow candidates to collect matching funds even after they have dropped out of races.
So until if and when we actually get some campaign finance reform in place maybe we can do our part by redistributing the campaign wealth.
They say “you get what you pay for” and if history shows us anything it is that we have gotten very little return on our investments when it comes to campaign contributions.
Maybe it is time for a change.
Foreclosures are still near all time highs.
Unemployment numbers are staggering.
Retirement is no longer a possibility for many.
Everyone is just trying to survive.
Well not everyone.
As it appears that our candidates are recession proof.
While the country’s economy crashed and burned last year’s presidential candidates raised more money than ever before.
And it’s not just at the top.
Just this week two fundraising events pulled in over $5 million for the Democratic Party in New York alone.
Similar events are doing the same for the Republicans and all the other parties all across the nation.
We may not have money for health care or for our schools but we continue to fork over the bucks to any Tom, Dick or Mary running for office.
And what do they do with this money?
They fill our mailboxes with campaign literature telling us all the great things they have done if they are in office or promising the great things that they will do if they get into office.
They fill the airways with ads (fact checking optional) bashing their opponents
If truth in advertising applied 90% of them would be in jail.
On the other hand they wouldn’t because they can also use these same campaign funds to hire the best lawyers to keep them out.
One of our esteemed Congressmen has spent over $500,000 of campaign funds to pay for legal fees over the past year.
And I am sure that one of our NYS Senators will be doing the same over the next few months.
Is this what you really want to do with your money?
Campaign reform is a joke and there is nothing we can do about big business and their pay to play policies.
There is also nothing we can do about the lobbyists who continue to buy and sell elected officials like they were penny stocks.
But there is something we can do at least at our level.
The next time you are thinking about writing a check out for a campaign maybe think about giving at least part of it to a local charity.
The next time you are going to spend hundreds of dollars to attend a campaign dinner think about going to an event like the Poor Peoples Dinner or a fundraiser for a local not for profit instead.
The next time you are going to spend hundreds of dollars for a handshake or a photo op with a candidate think about the sick first responders that these same people continue to ignore and write a check to the Fealgood Foundation or some other organization that is actually doing some good.
The bottom line is that if an elected official has done a good job his record should speak for itself.
And if it doesn’t vote for the other guy.
There is no reason why these candidates should be allowed to build up millions in campaign war chests for future elections while some of us can’t even afford to put food on the table.
The process has gotten so bad that we allow candidates to collect matching funds even after they have dropped out of races.
So until if and when we actually get some campaign finance reform in place maybe we can do our part by redistributing the campaign wealth.
They say “you get what you pay for” and if history shows us anything it is that we have gotten very little return on our investments when it comes to campaign contributions.
Maybe it is time for a change.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The city settles claims with accused drug dealers but fights every claim by 9/11 victims.
3 more 9/11 victims died this week from illnesses related to 9/11 and the WTC Captive Insurance Fund continues to fight every claim.
But when it comes to criminals what does the mayor have to say?
"The city gets sued 200 times a week," Bloomberg told the Daily News. "We take as many cases to trial as we possibly can, but we would [go] bankrupt if we tried to defend every one of them."
There is something wrong with this picture.
Three heroes of 9/11 die of cancer in five days
Mayor Michael Bloomberg defends city legal settlements to drug gang
3 more 9/11 victims died this week from illnesses related to 9/11 and the WTC Captive Insurance Fund continues to fight every claim.
But when it comes to criminals what does the mayor have to say?
"The city gets sued 200 times a week," Bloomberg told the Daily News. "We take as many cases to trial as we possibly can, but we would [go] bankrupt if we tried to defend every one of them."
There is something wrong with this picture.
Three heroes of 9/11 die of cancer in five days
Mayor Michael Bloomberg defends city legal settlements to drug gang
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Rich Get Richer While the Sick Get Sicker
Over the past eight years more and more people have become seriously ill
as the result of the aftermath of 9/11.
Now let's see how the government and the courts have handled this.
Even though the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New
York found that former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman's
falsely reassuring and misleading statements of safety after the
September 11, 2001 attacks were "without question conscience-shocking."
The court also found the facts "support an allegation of a violation of
the substantive due process right to be free from official government
policies that increase the risk of bodily harm" by Whitman's
misstatements regarding the air quality of the affected area.
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stated that she could not be held
liable for her actions.
Why you might ask?
Well the Appeals Court stated that legal remedies are not always
available for every instance of arguably deficient governmental
So a representative of the government knowingly deceives the public and
puts them at risk but they cannot be held responsible.
If you think that's bad it only gets worse.
In what looked like an act of good faith the federal government gives
NYC a billion dollars to help settle claims for people taken ill as a
result of 9/11.
And what does NYC do?
It gives a contract to the WTC Captive Insurance Corp not to settle
these claims but to fight every one of them in court.
So instead of settling these claims with the money provided, over $300
million has gone to pay lawyers to fight the claims.
This not for profit is also permitted to invest these funds and manages
to lose another couple of hundred million.
And it gets worse.
NYC then uses these funds to fight not only health claims but also to
fight the case brought by 9/11 family members seeking to have remains
relocated from the Fresh Kills Landfill.
So NYC is just using this fund as its own personal checking account to
do with it what it pleases.
Over half a billion spent or lost and less than $500,000 paid to sick
As victims lose their life savings paying medical bills these lawyers
laugh all the way to the bank.
As the NYC paid lawyers rack up their billable hours people continue to
Teddy Roosevelt once said "Justice consists not in being neutral between
right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever
found, against the wrong".
Apparently not in New York where the rich get richer while the sick get
as the result of the aftermath of 9/11.
Now let's see how the government and the courts have handled this.
Even though the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New
York found that former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman's
falsely reassuring and misleading statements of safety after the
September 11, 2001 attacks were "without question conscience-shocking."
The court also found the facts "support an allegation of a violation of
the substantive due process right to be free from official government
policies that increase the risk of bodily harm" by Whitman's
misstatements regarding the air quality of the affected area.
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stated that she could not be held
liable for her actions.
Why you might ask?
Well the Appeals Court stated that legal remedies are not always
available for every instance of arguably deficient governmental
So a representative of the government knowingly deceives the public and
puts them at risk but they cannot be held responsible.
If you think that's bad it only gets worse.
In what looked like an act of good faith the federal government gives
NYC a billion dollars to help settle claims for people taken ill as a
result of 9/11.
And what does NYC do?
It gives a contract to the WTC Captive Insurance Corp not to settle
these claims but to fight every one of them in court.
So instead of settling these claims with the money provided, over $300
million has gone to pay lawyers to fight the claims.
This not for profit is also permitted to invest these funds and manages
to lose another couple of hundred million.
And it gets worse.
NYC then uses these funds to fight not only health claims but also to
fight the case brought by 9/11 family members seeking to have remains
relocated from the Fresh Kills Landfill.
So NYC is just using this fund as its own personal checking account to
do with it what it pleases.
Over half a billion spent or lost and less than $500,000 paid to sick
As victims lose their life savings paying medical bills these lawyers
laugh all the way to the bank.
As the NYC paid lawyers rack up their billable hours people continue to
Teddy Roosevelt once said "Justice consists not in being neutral between
right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever
found, against the wrong".
Apparently not in New York where the rich get richer while the sick get
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To All,
Please take a moment and look at the information below.
A Registered Not For Profit that has spent over $300 Million in Federal Funds and distributed less than 1% of the funds to satisfy health claims.
If we weren’t dealing with peoples lives here I would say it was like watching a re-make of the Rain Maker.
But here is the even bigger disgrace.
I have been told from very good sources that even though they are a registered not for profit they refuse to open their books.
We really need someone to step forward and get this information
Under the Freedom of Information Act we should be able to see exactly how they are spending tax payer money that was ear marked to help pay for victims’ health benefits.
We have bits and pieces (see below) but nothing since 2008
We need to know
How much has been paid in salaries and administrative costs
We need to know how much was spent on entertainment (lunches, dinners etc)
Finally we need to know how much they have lost through bad investments.
Until we can get an independent audit we need to make sure that not another dollar is spent unless it goes towards helping victims.
If we can’t get our elected officials to do it our only option may be the courts.
Current Entity Name:
Initial DOS Filing Date:
JULY 01, 2004
Entity Type:
Current Entity Status:
Monday, October 5, 2009
It's Time For The Return of the Special Master
To All,
Almost a year ago we posted the pieces below.
At that time over $200 Million had been spent on lawyers fighting health claims related to 9/11.
Also at the time Judge Hellerstein said he was going to step up efforts in settling claims.
So here we are almost a year later and we are no better off.
And we still can’t get a full accountability from the WTC Captive Insurance Company so we don’t know how many more millions have been spent on lawyers and salaries or on bad investments.
Most of our investigation was prompted by the reporting of Sue Edelman of the NY Post who seems to be one of the few reporters that feels the plight of 9/11 victims is important enough to report on days other than 9/11.
We apologize because we actually thought that we could take the word of those in power a truth at least in this circumstance.
Again we were wrong.
There was a small article in today’s Post once again by Sue.
In it she reminds us that Kenneth Feinberg has already volunteered to oversee these cases as he did the Victim’s Compensation Fund.
Although we had our problems with Mr. Feinberg at the beginning we found that overall he did a very good job under almost unworkable conditions.
In my meetings with Mr. Feinberg he was open to at least listen and I do believe he did the best he could for the victim’s families.
It is time to ask him to do the same and take over and mediate the settlements in these 9/11 health related cases.
It is also time for a complete independent audit of the WTC Captive Insurance Company.
Enough is enough.
The longer we delay the more people die.
This does not have to be.
Since we cannot get anywhere with the mayor and this is federal money we need our Senators and Representatives to step up and get this done.
They need to hear from you.
They need to hear from you today.
The Rich Get Richer and the Sick Continue to Suffer
The Rich Get Richer Part II
The Rich Get Richer Part III
Almost a year ago we posted the pieces below.
At that time over $200 Million had been spent on lawyers fighting health claims related to 9/11.
Also at the time Judge Hellerstein said he was going to step up efforts in settling claims.
So here we are almost a year later and we are no better off.
And we still can’t get a full accountability from the WTC Captive Insurance Company so we don’t know how many more millions have been spent on lawyers and salaries or on bad investments.
Most of our investigation was prompted by the reporting of Sue Edelman of the NY Post who seems to be one of the few reporters that feels the plight of 9/11 victims is important enough to report on days other than 9/11.
We apologize because we actually thought that we could take the word of those in power a truth at least in this circumstance.
Again we were wrong.
There was a small article in today’s Post once again by Sue.
In it she reminds us that Kenneth Feinberg has already volunteered to oversee these cases as he did the Victim’s Compensation Fund.
Although we had our problems with Mr. Feinberg at the beginning we found that overall he did a very good job under almost unworkable conditions.
In my meetings with Mr. Feinberg he was open to at least listen and I do believe he did the best he could for the victim’s families.
It is time to ask him to do the same and take over and mediate the settlements in these 9/11 health related cases.
It is also time for a complete independent audit of the WTC Captive Insurance Company.
Enough is enough.
The longer we delay the more people die.
This does not have to be.
Since we cannot get anywhere with the mayor and this is federal money we need our Senators and Representatives to step up and get this done.
They need to hear from you.
They need to hear from you today.
The Rich Get Richer and the Sick Continue to Suffer
The Rich Get Richer Part II
The Rich Get Richer Part III
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