Wednesday, October 29, 2008
They Are Gambling With Our Future
As the economy continues to falter and budget deficits continue to swell more and more states are pursuing legalized gambling as a way to generate revenues.
At last count there are 38 states that now support some type of state sponsored gambling.
To the government this looks like a quick fix to the budget crisis.
Unfortunately they are gambling with our future.
Studies have shown that more people are gambling than ever before.
And as the economy gets worse we will only see these numbers grow. (see below)
As people look for that quick score to pay the bills.
People who cannot afford it particularly seniors are getting caught up in the "Dollar and a Dream" hype and are now spending grocery money on scratch off or trips to casinos.
More of our children watch the World Series of Poker than the World Series.
World Series games don't start until almost 9:00 PM and don't end until after midnight while gambling shows are on around the clock on multiple channels.
And it is only going to get worse.
As the Governor looks to expand slot machines at local race tracks and LOTTO spends millions on new ad campaigns more and more people are losing their savings and in some cases even their homes.
Many have already lost their retirement plans thanks to our friends on Wall Street and are now looking to gambling as a bailout.
This is the worse possible time for the government to be expanding its gambling operations.
But as usual they will not be able to pass up a quick fix with no regard for the future.
Awhile back we asked our local electeds to support an effort to at least stop state sponsored advertising for gambling (see below)
But none of them even considered it.
Don't you think that the millions spent on the "Little Bit of Luck" and other ads could be put to better use?
Obviously they do not think so.
So they will continue to try to draw more people in to inflate their short term revenues as they continue to spend more and more on advertising and administrative costs.
Just like they did with OTB. (see below)
As they continue to gamble with our future.
Dennis McKeon
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island NY
At last count there are 38 states that now support some type of state sponsored gambling.
To the government this looks like a quick fix to the budget crisis.
Unfortunately they are gambling with our future.
Studies have shown that more people are gambling than ever before.
And as the economy gets worse we will only see these numbers grow. (see below)
As people look for that quick score to pay the bills.
People who cannot afford it particularly seniors are getting caught up in the "Dollar and a Dream" hype and are now spending grocery money on scratch off or trips to casinos.
More of our children watch the World Series of Poker than the World Series.
World Series games don't start until almost 9:00 PM and don't end until after midnight while gambling shows are on around the clock on multiple channels.
And it is only going to get worse.
As the Governor looks to expand slot machines at local race tracks and LOTTO spends millions on new ad campaigns more and more people are losing their savings and in some cases even their homes.
Many have already lost their retirement plans thanks to our friends on Wall Street and are now looking to gambling as a bailout.
This is the worse possible time for the government to be expanding its gambling operations.
But as usual they will not be able to pass up a quick fix with no regard for the future.
Awhile back we asked our local electeds to support an effort to at least stop state sponsored advertising for gambling (see below)
But none of them even considered it.
Don't you think that the millions spent on the "Little Bit of Luck" and other ads could be put to better use?
Obviously they do not think so.
So they will continue to try to draw more people in to inflate their short term revenues as they continue to spend more and more on advertising and administrative costs.
Just like they did with OTB. (see below)
As they continue to gamble with our future.
Dennis McKeon
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island NY
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ground Zero a Bureaucrat's Dream
It’s been a month since the Port Authority laid out it's "Realistic and Rational" schedule for the rebuilding at Ground Zero.
Wouldn't it be nice to get an update as to how they are holding to the schedule.
Basic project management would allow for regular updates on schedules, budget, etc.
With the current state of the economy and all the doom and gloom coming from the Governor can't you just see Ground Zero slipping in priority.
And what about the wall and Mr. Silverstein?
Has that issue been resolved or are we still paying him $300,000 a day in late fees?
Things just do not change.
For seven years there has been no structure or oversight to anything that went on at the site.
Every so often there is a public outcry or some politician or newspaper raises the issue and it becomes news for about a week and then those involved are just left to do whatever they please and spend whatever they want.
It's the same with the ME's office who put out reports on identifications whenever they want. Each time a report comes out there is a change in format so you can never tell how many remains were re-tested with the new process that cost millions and was going to produce dramatic results.
It's the same with Fresh Kills and now they will blame the budget deficit and say they do not have any funds to pursue anything at the landfill in regards to the remains.
And now we are going to extend term limits and will have another four years of the same.
Mark my words when their new terms are up (and if they don't decide to change the rules again) the site will still not be complete and we will have gone through at least another two or three "Realistic and Rational" schedules.
And why has nothing changed over the past seven years?
The answer is simple.
Ground Zero has become a bureaucrat's dream.
Agencies have been created staffed by political cronies.
Contracts, grants and loans have been given to the same inner circle with little or no oversight or accountability.
And they continue to plan for hundreds of thousands of feet of office space for which they have no tenants
As Brooks Atkinson once said "The perfect bureaucrat is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility"
Sounds like the people who have been running the show at Ground Zero for the last seven years.
Do you really think they want this gravy train to end?
Wouldn't it be nice to get an update as to how they are holding to the schedule.
Basic project management would allow for regular updates on schedules, budget, etc.
With the current state of the economy and all the doom and gloom coming from the Governor can't you just see Ground Zero slipping in priority.
And what about the wall and Mr. Silverstein?
Has that issue been resolved or are we still paying him $300,000 a day in late fees?
Things just do not change.
For seven years there has been no structure or oversight to anything that went on at the site.
Every so often there is a public outcry or some politician or newspaper raises the issue and it becomes news for about a week and then those involved are just left to do whatever they please and spend whatever they want.
It's the same with the ME's office who put out reports on identifications whenever they want. Each time a report comes out there is a change in format so you can never tell how many remains were re-tested with the new process that cost millions and was going to produce dramatic results.
It's the same with Fresh Kills and now they will blame the budget deficit and say they do not have any funds to pursue anything at the landfill in regards to the remains.
And now we are going to extend term limits and will have another four years of the same.
Mark my words when their new terms are up (and if they don't decide to change the rules again) the site will still not be complete and we will have gone through at least another two or three "Realistic and Rational" schedules.
And why has nothing changed over the past seven years?
The answer is simple.
Ground Zero has become a bureaucrat's dream.
Agencies have been created staffed by political cronies.
Contracts, grants and loans have been given to the same inner circle with little or no oversight or accountability.
And they continue to plan for hundreds of thousands of feet of office space for which they have no tenants
As Brooks Atkinson once said "The perfect bureaucrat is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility"
Sounds like the people who have been running the show at Ground Zero for the last seven years.
Do you really think they want this gravy train to end?
Friday, October 24, 2008
"Surprise" "Surprise" "Surprise"
So the City Council has voted and as Gomer Pyle used to say “Surprise” “Surprise” “Surprise” they backed the mayor’s plan to extend term limits.
Yet another example of how those in government have turned a blind eye to what the democratic process is all about.
And don’t be fooled by the Council members who waited until they were sure that the mayor had enough votes in his pocket to say they were opposed to the plan.
Not since the days of Boss Tweed has one person been able to manipulate the process to his own advantage.
Now the spin doctors will say that if we don’t want him we have the right to vote him out of office.
Well that’s just not the point.
This is not about whether or not he is qualified to be mayor again it is the principle of the matter.
No elected official should be above the voice of the people.
Twice the citizens of New York City voted for term limits and now with the wave of his magic wand the mayor has had the Council change the rules.
They say that there was no time for a referendum in advance of the next election.
Anyone who has been following this knows nothing is further from the truth.
This plan has been in the works for years
Here is one our posts from November 29, 2005
The bottom line is they knew they wouldn’t get the votes to overturn term limits in a referendum so they stalled until they could back door this through the City Council.
Once again the mayor is replacing NYC history with “His Story”
And it is just not right.
Ronald Regan once said “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first”
The mayor and the City Council certainly proved him right.
Yet another example of how those in government have turned a blind eye to what the democratic process is all about.
And don’t be fooled by the Council members who waited until they were sure that the mayor had enough votes in his pocket to say they were opposed to the plan.
Not since the days of Boss Tweed has one person been able to manipulate the process to his own advantage.
Now the spin doctors will say that if we don’t want him we have the right to vote him out of office.
Well that’s just not the point.
This is not about whether or not he is qualified to be mayor again it is the principle of the matter.
No elected official should be above the voice of the people.
Twice the citizens of New York City voted for term limits and now with the wave of his magic wand the mayor has had the Council change the rules.
They say that there was no time for a referendum in advance of the next election.
Anyone who has been following this knows nothing is further from the truth.
This plan has been in the works for years
Here is one our posts from November 29, 2005
The bottom line is they knew they wouldn’t get the votes to overturn term limits in a referendum so they stalled until they could back door this through the City Council.
Once again the mayor is replacing NYC history with “His Story”
And it is just not right.
Ronald Regan once said “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first”
The mayor and the City Council certainly proved him right.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"
Every day we hear more news of doom and gloom.
More companies going bankrupt as the stock market continues to fall.
And we are definitely in for some tough times ahead as it does not look to get any better anytime soon.
At this point we only really have two options.
We could join the thousands who have already joined the National Pity Party and have basically given up on trying to work their way out of this mess.
The ones who are just sitting back and waiting for the Government to bail them out.
The ones who place the blame on everyone else and don't feel that they should be called on to work their way out of this.
The ones who believe that our next President is going to really make a difference and that it is not going to cost us anything.
This same pie in the sky thinking is what got us into this situation in the first place.
Or we could actually take a page out of the books of our parents or grandparents (depending on how old you are) who lived through the Depression.
People who actually had to rough it just to make ends meet.
People who worked to get the country back on its feet even during its darkest hour.
Sure there were social programs, but most involved doing something in return.
My father even went to Washington state to work with the Civilian Conservation Corps.
He did anything he needed to do, as did my mother, to get through the tough times.
And they never forgot those days till the day they died.
That experience made them tougher and they were the better for it.
The problem that exists today is compounded by the fact that most of us never experienced those types of hard times.
We have created a political system where the majority of those making the decisions make 10 to 100 times what their constituents do.
Just look at the current election where well over a billion dollars will be spent by the candidates.
To bring this closer to home, over a million and a half dollars will be spent to win the Congressional seat on Staten Island.
Hell it's not their money, they don't care.
And you think that is going to change once they get into office? Just look at the current national debt.
So it is left to us.
We need to start thinking like those who lived during the Depression.
And start acting like men and women who want to make a difference and not like spoiled brats who are not much better than those we elect.
"God helps those who help themselves"
Maybe it's time we did just that.
More companies going bankrupt as the stock market continues to fall.
And we are definitely in for some tough times ahead as it does not look to get any better anytime soon.
At this point we only really have two options.
We could join the thousands who have already joined the National Pity Party and have basically given up on trying to work their way out of this mess.
The ones who are just sitting back and waiting for the Government to bail them out.
The ones who place the blame on everyone else and don't feel that they should be called on to work their way out of this.
The ones who believe that our next President is going to really make a difference and that it is not going to cost us anything.
This same pie in the sky thinking is what got us into this situation in the first place.
Or we could actually take a page out of the books of our parents or grandparents (depending on how old you are) who lived through the Depression.
People who actually had to rough it just to make ends meet.
People who worked to get the country back on its feet even during its darkest hour.
Sure there were social programs, but most involved doing something in return.
My father even went to Washington state to work with the Civilian Conservation Corps.
He did anything he needed to do, as did my mother, to get through the tough times.
And they never forgot those days till the day they died.
That experience made them tougher and they were the better for it.
The problem that exists today is compounded by the fact that most of us never experienced those types of hard times.
We have created a political system where the majority of those making the decisions make 10 to 100 times what their constituents do.
Just look at the current election where well over a billion dollars will be spent by the candidates.
To bring this closer to home, over a million and a half dollars will be spent to win the Congressional seat on Staten Island.
Hell it's not their money, they don't care.
And you think that is going to change once they get into office? Just look at the current national debt.
So it is left to us.
We need to start thinking like those who lived during the Depression.
And start acting like men and women who want to make a difference and not like spoiled brats who are not much better than those we elect.
"God helps those who help themselves"
Maybe it's time we did just that.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Stock Market tanked another 700 points and we had our two presidential candidates blaming their opponent's parties for the state of the economy.
Unfortunately both candidates seem to be missing the big picture.
It is not what has happened in the last eight years or even in the last sixteen.
The problem is that we have become a cut and paste society and original thinking has all but disappeared from this generation.
Just ask any student when was the last time they visited a library to do real research.
Why should they when with the click of a cursor they can get all of the information they need.
Ask them to write an essay and see how many spelling errors or "text abbreviations" you find.
And you can forget about grammar all together.
But why do they need to worry when they all have spell and grammar check on their computers.
And it is not only the student's fault.
School rankings are based on success in standardized tests.
So students are taught to pass those tests.
Shortcuts are instituted to bypass anything that is not covered on these standardized tests.
And the problems just gets worse and worse.
An entire industry now exists to teach students to pass High School entrance exams and SAT tests.
And this extends to the business world as well.
These same students have become today's executives.
The majority of whom have never worked their way up the corporate ladder.
No real on the job training and more importantly no common sense.
Personal gain overshadowing corporate responsibility.
And why not!
This is a generation that has been able to fast forward most of their lives while skipping over or deleting anything that has gotten in their way.
A generation of "Guitar Heroes" who can't read a note of music.
A generation who do not know the value of a dollar and whose lives are "PRICELESS" or who "WON"T LEAVE HOME" without their credit cards
And these are the people who are now making the corporate decisions that have brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy.
They are the same people taking these ideas into government who think that a $10 trillion national debt is not a concern.
So we will have to work till we die as our 401K's disappear and Social Security goes bankrupt.
As the new cut and paste generation takes the place of the old cut and run generation before them
We can only pray that the day will come when they begin to realize that Real Life is not something you watch on MTV.
And hopefully that day comes soon.
Unfortunately both candidates seem to be missing the big picture.
It is not what has happened in the last eight years or even in the last sixteen.
The problem is that we have become a cut and paste society and original thinking has all but disappeared from this generation.
Just ask any student when was the last time they visited a library to do real research.
Why should they when with the click of a cursor they can get all of the information they need.
Ask them to write an essay and see how many spelling errors or "text abbreviations" you find.
And you can forget about grammar all together.
But why do they need to worry when they all have spell and grammar check on their computers.
And it is not only the student's fault.
School rankings are based on success in standardized tests.
So students are taught to pass those tests.
Shortcuts are instituted to bypass anything that is not covered on these standardized tests.
And the problems just gets worse and worse.
An entire industry now exists to teach students to pass High School entrance exams and SAT tests.
And this extends to the business world as well.
These same students have become today's executives.
The majority of whom have never worked their way up the corporate ladder.
No real on the job training and more importantly no common sense.
Personal gain overshadowing corporate responsibility.
And why not!
This is a generation that has been able to fast forward most of their lives while skipping over or deleting anything that has gotten in their way.
A generation of "Guitar Heroes" who can't read a note of music.
A generation who do not know the value of a dollar and whose lives are "PRICELESS" or who "WON"T LEAVE HOME" without their credit cards
And these are the people who are now making the corporate decisions that have brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy.
They are the same people taking these ideas into government who think that a $10 trillion national debt is not a concern.
So we will have to work till we die as our 401K's disappear and Social Security goes bankrupt.
As the new cut and paste generation takes the place of the old cut and run generation before them
We can only pray that the day will come when they begin to realize that Real Life is not something you watch on MTV.
And hopefully that day comes soon.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Truth in Advertising...Not on the Campaign Trail
Did you ever wonder why our political candidates can get away with out right lies during their campaigns and never be held accountable?
Watching some of these campaign ads I get flash backs to the old "Crazy Eddie" ads in the 70's.
He would promise everything just to get you into the store, and for those not familiar, the company wound up going bankrupt with one of the owners in jail.
Prior to every election we have the same thing.
Candidates promising you everything just to get your vote.
We even have campaigns turning a blind eye to voter registration fraud and again no one is held accountable.
A perfect example is what is going on in Florida.
Representative Tim Mahoney replaced Mark Foley who quit after being accused of sending lewd messages to teenage boys.
Now Mahoney who ran with the campaign slogan "Restoring America's Values Begins at Home" is involved in his own sexual scandal.
The trouble allegedly began when his mistress wanted to break off their relationship because she found he was cheating on her.
There are also accusations of the mistress being given a job and also being offered hush money.
This is an extreme example but it goes to our point.
How can we believe anything candidates say?
We have Presidential candidates promising to get us out of this Depression without any significant tax increases.
We have Presidential candidates promising to end the war without any ramifications.
We have Presidential candidates promising the world and everyone knows that 90% of these promises will not be delivered.
But they continue to be allowed to make these promises and nobody holds them accountable.
A few months ago we suggested that all candidates be required to sign a political pre-nup (see below)
This document would hold them accountable for any crimes or ethical offenses they commit while in office.
Maybe it should include delivery of campaign promises as a requirement as well.
Even if the candidates delivered a fraction of what they promised the country would be in much better shape.
But selective memory seems to kick in once they are elected and that my friend is the problem.
These people are no better than the heads of the banks and corporations who have been allowed to bankrupt our economy.
And just like these execs who promised that everything was OK right up until their companies went belly up these elected officials will walk away with their own golden parachutes at the taxpayer's expense as the country falls further and further in debt.
Maybe some "Truth in Advertising" on the campaign trail would be a step in the right direction in getting our country back on track.
Now that would be "CHANGE" that the whole country would welcome.
P.S. Since we introduced this idea of a political pre-nup not even one candidate or elected official has volunteered to sign on
It's Time For A Political Pre-Nup
Watching some of these campaign ads I get flash backs to the old "Crazy Eddie" ads in the 70's.
He would promise everything just to get you into the store, and for those not familiar, the company wound up going bankrupt with one of the owners in jail.
Prior to every election we have the same thing.
Candidates promising you everything just to get your vote.
We even have campaigns turning a blind eye to voter registration fraud and again no one is held accountable.
A perfect example is what is going on in Florida.
Representative Tim Mahoney replaced Mark Foley who quit after being accused of sending lewd messages to teenage boys.
Now Mahoney who ran with the campaign slogan "Restoring America's Values Begins at Home" is involved in his own sexual scandal.
The trouble allegedly began when his mistress wanted to break off their relationship because she found he was cheating on her.
There are also accusations of the mistress being given a job and also being offered hush money.
This is an extreme example but it goes to our point.
How can we believe anything candidates say?
We have Presidential candidates promising to get us out of this Depression without any significant tax increases.
We have Presidential candidates promising to end the war without any ramifications.
We have Presidential candidates promising the world and everyone knows that 90% of these promises will not be delivered.
But they continue to be allowed to make these promises and nobody holds them accountable.
A few months ago we suggested that all candidates be required to sign a political pre-nup (see below)
This document would hold them accountable for any crimes or ethical offenses they commit while in office.
Maybe it should include delivery of campaign promises as a requirement as well.
Even if the candidates delivered a fraction of what they promised the country would be in much better shape.
But selective memory seems to kick in once they are elected and that my friend is the problem.
These people are no better than the heads of the banks and corporations who have been allowed to bankrupt our economy.
And just like these execs who promised that everything was OK right up until their companies went belly up these elected officials will walk away with their own golden parachutes at the taxpayer's expense as the country falls further and further in debt.
Maybe some "Truth in Advertising" on the campaign trail would be a step in the right direction in getting our country back on track.
Now that would be "CHANGE" that the whole country would welcome.
P.S. Since we introduced this idea of a political pre-nup not even one candidate or elected official has volunteered to sign on
It's Time For A Political Pre-Nup
Friday, October 10, 2008
9/11 memorial mural on Staten Island graced by sign from above
Mr. Ward "Tear Down that Wall"
Under the category of it can’t get any worse the Port Authority and Larry Silverstein are arguing over whether the land at Ground Zero has actually been turned over to Silverstein.
The argument is over a steel and wooden retaining wall on the property.
Knowing Mr. Silverstein’s track record along with the PA’s dreadful history it appears that he will win this battle as well.
When all is said in done he will wind up not having to pay almost any rent on the property this year.
The rent for the year is $78 million and as of Monday the PA had already paid $44 million in late penalties ($300,000 a day)
If the PA keeps giving him non compliance excuses not to accept the property and he can hold out till the end of the year he would save himself another $26 million.
So he will wind up only having to pay $8 million of the original $78 million rent.
Not a bad deal but typical of the Port Authority.
Don’t you think that with something of this magnitude there should have been clearly defined parameters as to what was needed to complete the PA’s responsibility?
As with almost everything else at Ground Zero schedules and responsibilities and agreements are always moving targets.
Whether it was with the recovery effort, the identification of remains or the memorial everything was done behind closed doors with timelines and definitions of responsibility changed when it suited those in charge.
Never a comprehensive plan while all the while claiming an open and transparent process.
Isn’t it ironic that after the Port Authority and the LMDC has thrown up walls to block all of our concerns over the past 7 years that a wall is coming back to bite them in the rear.
So instead of just taking down the wall they would rather argue and pay $300,000 a day.
To this we would like to paraphrase Ronald Reagan and say “Mr. Ward, Tear Down That Wall”
So we can get to the next delay……….
The argument is over a steel and wooden retaining wall on the property.
Knowing Mr. Silverstein’s track record along with the PA’s dreadful history it appears that he will win this battle as well.
When all is said in done he will wind up not having to pay almost any rent on the property this year.
The rent for the year is $78 million and as of Monday the PA had already paid $44 million in late penalties ($300,000 a day)
If the PA keeps giving him non compliance excuses not to accept the property and he can hold out till the end of the year he would save himself another $26 million.
So he will wind up only having to pay $8 million of the original $78 million rent.
Not a bad deal but typical of the Port Authority.
Don’t you think that with something of this magnitude there should have been clearly defined parameters as to what was needed to complete the PA’s responsibility?
As with almost everything else at Ground Zero schedules and responsibilities and agreements are always moving targets.
Whether it was with the recovery effort, the identification of remains or the memorial everything was done behind closed doors with timelines and definitions of responsibility changed when it suited those in charge.
Never a comprehensive plan while all the while claiming an open and transparent process.
Isn’t it ironic that after the Port Authority and the LMDC has thrown up walls to block all of our concerns over the past 7 years that a wall is coming back to bite them in the rear.
So instead of just taking down the wall they would rather argue and pay $300,000 a day.
To this we would like to paraphrase Ronald Reagan and say “Mr. Ward, Tear Down That Wall”
So we can get to the next delay……….
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just last week it was announced that a scaled down version of the 9/11 Memorial would be available for the 10th Anniversary on 9/11/11.
In a perfect example of not releasing all the facts it is now being reported that this scaled down version if available will only be open for about a week and then will be shut down for at least another year. (see articles below)
Just once it would be nice to get an honest and complete update from the Port Authority or the LMDC.
We went through the same thing with the building and fire codes as well as the reporting on the identification of remains.
For years we had to deal will partial releases and at times outright lies from both agencies.
And it appears that it is not going to stop any time soon.
Joe Daniels the President of the of the National September 11th Memorial & Museum is insisting that "it is possible to have the entire Memorial finished by the 10th anniversary, but if we can't get 100%, we'll get as much we possibly can"
This on the same day that Port Authority Executive Director stated that whatever is available on the 10th anniversary would be mostly be shut down for construction for about a year.
It would be nice if they could get on the same page.
The fact of the matter is that there will not be a permanent memorial for the 10th anniversary at least not at Ground Zero.
On July 2, 2008 we sent a letter to Mr. Daniels as well as Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Paterson detailing our plans to build a memorial that would honor all those who died on 9/11 as well as those who responded and those who have died since. (for complete text of the letter click the link below)
We asked for their assistance with this effort $6.5 million facility on Staten Island which will include all of the aspects that 9/11 families had originally asked for at Ground Zero.
It is now 3 months later and we still have not even gotten a response from any of them.
We are moving forward with this effort and plan to raise the remaining $5.5 million from corporate sponsorship and individual donations. We already have commitments of $459,000 from Senators Clinton and Schumer and another $500,000 from State Senator Lanza.
If we break ground early next year we will have the facility complete for the the 10th Anniversary.
Please take a moment to view complete details of the Hearts and Hands 9/11 Memorial.
We are hoping that you will join us to support this effort.
And we promise to keep you updated on our progress on a regular basis.
We also hope that Mr. Davis, Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Paterson will reconsider and work with us to complete this facility which will give family members a place to go not only on September 11, 2011 but every day after to quietly pay their respects to those who died as a result of the attacks on 9/11.
Lest We Forget
Dennis McKeon
Port Authority says 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero will open in 2012
9/11 Memorial To Close For 1 Year After Brief Open
In a perfect example of not releasing all the facts it is now being reported that this scaled down version if available will only be open for about a week and then will be shut down for at least another year. (see articles below)
Just once it would be nice to get an honest and complete update from the Port Authority or the LMDC.
We went through the same thing with the building and fire codes as well as the reporting on the identification of remains.
For years we had to deal will partial releases and at times outright lies from both agencies.
And it appears that it is not going to stop any time soon.
Joe Daniels the President of the of the National September 11th Memorial & Museum is insisting that "it is possible to have the entire Memorial finished by the 10th anniversary, but if we can't get 100%, we'll get as much we possibly can"
This on the same day that Port Authority Executive Director stated that whatever is available on the 10th anniversary would be mostly be shut down for construction for about a year.
It would be nice if they could get on the same page.
The fact of the matter is that there will not be a permanent memorial for the 10th anniversary at least not at Ground Zero.
On July 2, 2008 we sent a letter to Mr. Daniels as well as Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Paterson detailing our plans to build a memorial that would honor all those who died on 9/11 as well as those who responded and those who have died since. (for complete text of the letter click the link below)
We asked for their assistance with this effort $6.5 million facility on Staten Island which will include all of the aspects that 9/11 families had originally asked for at Ground Zero.
It is now 3 months later and we still have not even gotten a response from any of them.
We are moving forward with this effort and plan to raise the remaining $5.5 million from corporate sponsorship and individual donations. We already have commitments of $459,000 from Senators Clinton and Schumer and another $500,000 from State Senator Lanza.
If we break ground early next year we will have the facility complete for the the 10th Anniversary.
Please take a moment to view complete details of the Hearts and Hands 9/11 Memorial.
We are hoping that you will join us to support this effort.
And we promise to keep you updated on our progress on a regular basis.
We also hope that Mr. Davis, Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Paterson will reconsider and work with us to complete this facility which will give family members a place to go not only on September 11, 2011 but every day after to quietly pay their respects to those who died as a result of the attacks on 9/11.
Lest We Forget
Dennis McKeon
Port Authority says 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero will open in 2012
9/11 Memorial To Close For 1 Year After Brief Open
Monday, October 6, 2008
It's Not Too Early to Be a Re-Gifter
Throughout the year we will all be receiving that certain gift that we either will never use or already have.
If we don't spend hours on that return line this gift will sit in a closet or a drawer until it is finally thrown out when we do our Spring cleaning.
Where to Turn would like to give you another option.
Donate your unwanted gift and we will make sure it gets to someone who could use it.
Toys will be given to local hospitals or shipped to needy children in disaster areas as part of our adopt a school program.
Clothes will also be sent where needed.
CD's and DVD's will be sent to soldiers in military hospitals
Last year we distributed nearly 2,500 items
For things that fall into that "other" category we will store them for a major flea market.
All proceeds from the flea market will go to cover shipping costs for our various relief programs.
If you would like to participate all you need to do is ship the gift or drop it off at
Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island, NY 10308
Or Click Link Below For Complete List of Drop Off Points that already includes the offices of Senator Lanza, Assembly Members Hyer Spencer, Cusick, and Tobacco
We are also looking for additional drop off points.
We are going to approach the Jets, Giants, Rangers, Islanders, Devils, Knicks and Nets to see if they will ask their fans to bring gifts to their home games after the holidays.
We are hoping local high schools and colleges will do the same at one of their games during the year.
If you would like to be an official drop off point please contact us at
We will work with any school, business or community/civic group
We will arrange to pick up donated gifts at your convenience.
We think that this will be a great way to help out the less fortunate
and would like to get as many schools and organizations involved as possible.
Hope you will join us as a re-gifter.
If we don't spend hours on that return line this gift will sit in a closet or a drawer until it is finally thrown out when we do our Spring cleaning.
Where to Turn would like to give you another option.
Donate your unwanted gift and we will make sure it gets to someone who could use it.
Toys will be given to local hospitals or shipped to needy children in disaster areas as part of our adopt a school program.
Clothes will also be sent where needed.
CD's and DVD's will be sent to soldiers in military hospitals
Last year we distributed nearly 2,500 items
For things that fall into that "other" category we will store them for a major flea market.
All proceeds from the flea market will go to cover shipping costs for our various relief programs.
If you would like to participate all you need to do is ship the gift or drop it off at
Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island, NY 10308
Or Click Link Below For Complete List of Drop Off Points that already includes the offices of Senator Lanza, Assembly Members Hyer Spencer, Cusick, and Tobacco
We are also looking for additional drop off points.
We are going to approach the Jets, Giants, Rangers, Islanders, Devils, Knicks and Nets to see if they will ask their fans to bring gifts to their home games after the holidays.
We are hoping local high schools and colleges will do the same at one of their games during the year.
If you would like to be an official drop off point please contact us at
We will work with any school, business or community/civic group
We will arrange to pick up donated gifts at your convenience.
We think that this will be a great way to help out the less fortunate
and would like to get as many schools and organizations involved as possible.
Hope you will join us as a re-gifter.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Nice Start to a "A Realistic and Rational Schedule" at WTC

NY Post
Saturday, October 4, 2008
When Did We Lose Control?
The House passed the new bail out bill on Friday that was not very different from the one rejected earlier in the week except this one included many more pork barrel add ons which were needed to basically bribe Representatives to change their votes.
Millions to make wooden arrows
Hundreds of millions to corporations in America Samoa
Even huge tax breaks for the American film industry.
To name a few
So our trusted Representatives allowed the stock market to fall almost 1,000 points this week because they would not vote on a package unless it included add ons of personal interest to them.
Someone should check how many of these Representatives have financial interests in America Samoa or the film industry or in all of the other add ons that are going to cost tax payers nearly half a billion dollars over the next 10 years.
Not since the days of Tammany Hall have so few taken from so many for personal gain.
And it doesn’t stop with the bail out.
Let’s take wind power for example.
All of us have seen the advertisements by T Boone Pickens for alternative energy sources such as wind power.
We were happy to see that many in Congress agree with this plan but again when you begin to peal away the onion you see why.
Take for example the House Speaker who supports this plan.
She might have let us know that one reason for her support might be that she bought nearly $100,000 worth of CLNE Corp stock on the day of the initial offering.
CLNE just so happens to be Picken’s company.
It also happens to be the sponsor of Proposition 10 a ballot initiative in California that would give nearly $10 billion to renewable energy incentives which would include wind.
Unfortunately this is just one example.
I am sure further examination would find many such connections with the billions of pork that was added on to the bail out bill.
The problem is here will never be any investigation of this money or the lobbyists or corporations attached.
So even in a bill that should have no add ons wound up with too many to count.
Pork associated with personal interests of our Representatives not the well being of our economy.
Again when did we lose control?
And this is not only at the federal level.
Mayor Bloomberg has decided he does not want to give up his job as mayor of New York City when his is term limited out.
So now he is going to have the City Council pass a bill to extend term limits for him and the City Council members.
So even though the citizens of New York City have voted twice to keep term limits they are going to be ignored or at least not given a chance to vote on them again because the mayor doesn’t want to give up his job.
Not really the way government is meant to work.
It’s like changing the rules after the last strike is called or the last minute runs off the clock.
What ever happened to Government of the people, by the people, for the people?
I guess it only refers to the people in government.
Over 150 years ago Henry David Thoreau stated
The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.
Today they have not only gotten in the way but have basically locked the rest of us out
When we first began to allow this to happen is when we lost control.
And the last couple of weeks are just an example of the consequences that we the people will continue to pay.
Millions to make wooden arrows
Hundreds of millions to corporations in America Samoa
Even huge tax breaks for the American film industry.
To name a few
So our trusted Representatives allowed the stock market to fall almost 1,000 points this week because they would not vote on a package unless it included add ons of personal interest to them.
Someone should check how many of these Representatives have financial interests in America Samoa or the film industry or in all of the other add ons that are going to cost tax payers nearly half a billion dollars over the next 10 years.
Not since the days of Tammany Hall have so few taken from so many for personal gain.
And it doesn’t stop with the bail out.
Let’s take wind power for example.
All of us have seen the advertisements by T Boone Pickens for alternative energy sources such as wind power.
We were happy to see that many in Congress agree with this plan but again when you begin to peal away the onion you see why.
Take for example the House Speaker who supports this plan.
She might have let us know that one reason for her support might be that she bought nearly $100,000 worth of CLNE Corp stock on the day of the initial offering.
CLNE just so happens to be Picken’s company.
It also happens to be the sponsor of Proposition 10 a ballot initiative in California that would give nearly $10 billion to renewable energy incentives which would include wind.
Unfortunately this is just one example.
I am sure further examination would find many such connections with the billions of pork that was added on to the bail out bill.
The problem is here will never be any investigation of this money or the lobbyists or corporations attached.
So even in a bill that should have no add ons wound up with too many to count.
Pork associated with personal interests of our Representatives not the well being of our economy.
Again when did we lose control?
And this is not only at the federal level.
Mayor Bloomberg has decided he does not want to give up his job as mayor of New York City when his is term limited out.
So now he is going to have the City Council pass a bill to extend term limits for him and the City Council members.
So even though the citizens of New York City have voted twice to keep term limits they are going to be ignored or at least not given a chance to vote on them again because the mayor doesn’t want to give up his job.
Not really the way government is meant to work.
It’s like changing the rules after the last strike is called or the last minute runs off the clock.
What ever happened to Government of the people, by the people, for the people?
I guess it only refers to the people in government.
Over 150 years ago Henry David Thoreau stated
The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.
Today they have not only gotten in the way but have basically locked the rest of us out
When we first began to allow this to happen is when we lost control.
And the last couple of weeks are just an example of the consequences that we the people will continue to pay.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Realistic and Rational Schedule...Don't Count on It
Yesterday the Port Authority put out their newest plan for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center.
A few days late but when have schedules ever meant anything with the PA or the LMDC.
To no one’s surprise they have added at least two years to the last plan and it will cost an additional $1.5 billion.
Immediately following this release the LMDC chairman came out with the following statement
“I am gratified that working closely together, we have been able to synthesize the analysis and work of numerous agencies and stakeholders to come up with a realistic and rational schedule plan for the rebuilding of this extremely complex site. Under the leadership of the Governor, we have all taken significant steps to coordinate and bring clarity to the rebuilding process so that the public gets the progress it deserves accompanied by dates and a schedule that are accurate and achievable.”
We are sure glad that he is satisfied because we are not.
Anyone who has been associated with this project can tell you that any plan Realistic, Rational or Probabilistic (there word not ours) is not worth the paper that it is written on.
We are now on our third Governor overseeing this project and have had promises and “realistic” schedules from all three.
The problem is that there is no single entity governing this project.
The Port Authority doesn’t answer to the Governor for that matter they don’t answer to anyone
As for the LMDC I am not even going to go there because if anyone thinks that they have ever had a realistic or rational schedule they need only look at the Deutsche Bank Building
On top of that what are the odds that Mr. Schick will still be around when the next newest roadmap for rebuilding comes out.
So here we are seven years in with our newest plan.
And costs will continue to soar and schedules will continue to be missed.
But the saddest part is that they will throw something together for 9/11/11 and call it a memorial.
Because on the pecking order of what has priority the record shows that the families were never near the top.
For if they were this replan would have included building by NYC Building and Fire codes to assure the safety of future tenants and responders.
But that was never even considered.
So excuse me if I sound a little skeptical and don’t share the enthusiasm of Governor Paterson, Chris Ward and Avi Schick
As it appears I am the only realist among them.
A few days late but when have schedules ever meant anything with the PA or the LMDC.
To no one’s surprise they have added at least two years to the last plan and it will cost an additional $1.5 billion.
Immediately following this release the LMDC chairman came out with the following statement
“I am gratified that working closely together, we have been able to synthesize the analysis and work of numerous agencies and stakeholders to come up with a realistic and rational schedule plan for the rebuilding of this extremely complex site. Under the leadership of the Governor, we have all taken significant steps to coordinate and bring clarity to the rebuilding process so that the public gets the progress it deserves accompanied by dates and a schedule that are accurate and achievable.”
We are sure glad that he is satisfied because we are not.
Anyone who has been associated with this project can tell you that any plan Realistic, Rational or Probabilistic (there word not ours) is not worth the paper that it is written on.
We are now on our third Governor overseeing this project and have had promises and “realistic” schedules from all three.
The problem is that there is no single entity governing this project.
The Port Authority doesn’t answer to the Governor for that matter they don’t answer to anyone
As for the LMDC I am not even going to go there because if anyone thinks that they have ever had a realistic or rational schedule they need only look at the Deutsche Bank Building
On top of that what are the odds that Mr. Schick will still be around when the next newest roadmap for rebuilding comes out.
So here we are seven years in with our newest plan.
And costs will continue to soar and schedules will continue to be missed.
But the saddest part is that they will throw something together for 9/11/11 and call it a memorial.
Because on the pecking order of what has priority the record shows that the families were never near the top.
For if they were this replan would have included building by NYC Building and Fire codes to assure the safety of future tenants and responders.
But that was never even considered.
So excuse me if I sound a little skeptical and don’t share the enthusiasm of Governor Paterson, Chris Ward and Avi Schick
As it appears I am the only realist among them.
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scott transformed the doors of Rescue 5 into a magnificent tribute to those who died on 9/11.
With the American Flag with eleven stars as a backdrop along with the silhouettes of the towers and 11 pairs of boots forever reminding us of the 11 brave firefighters from this house who died on 9/11.
Those who don’t believe that those who died are not watching over us should have been there today when eleven pigeons sat on the ledge overlooking the doors and watched Scott paint.
Thank you Scott
Thank you the current members of Rescue 5 for permitting us to do this
Thank you to our anonymous donor for sponsoring the mural
And thank you to all of you who support all of our efforts
We will never forget
To see additional pictures click link below
To view photos of all completed murals click link below
To learn more about this program click link below
With the American Flag with eleven stars as a backdrop along with the silhouettes of the towers and 11 pairs of boots forever reminding us of the 11 brave firefighters from this house who died on 9/11.
Those who don’t believe that those who died are not watching over us should have been there today when eleven pigeons sat on the ledge overlooking the doors and watched Scott paint.
Thank you Scott
Thank you the current members of Rescue 5 for permitting us to do this
Thank you to our anonymous donor for sponsoring the mural
And thank you to all of you who support all of our efforts
We will never forget
To see additional pictures click link below
To view photos of all completed murals click link below
To learn more about this program click link below
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bail Bail The Gangs All Here
While most of the country lives in fear for the welfare of their families and even their lives our esteemed representatives continue to do what they do best.....
While banks continue to fail and financial institutions shut down those who are in charge of running our country do not appear to have any sense of urgency when it comes to our current economic situation.
There latest excuse is that the current plan is not good for the country.
When is the last time that any of them asked any of us what we needed or wanted?
These Representatives, and I use that term very loosely, are the same people who are so fiscally prudent that our country's current deficit is $9.7 trillion.
And they are going to decide what is best for us.
Do you realize that if Congress was a bank or a financial institution that they would be in need of a bailout.
But even though they have shown repeatedly that they think they have an open check book they will not move on the current plan unless their individual agendas are met.
Damn the people, damn the country this is all about them.
The same people who do not have to worry about their jobs as their is always a lobbyist position waiting when their constituents get fed up.
The same people who do not have worry as their pensions are guaranteed and they will never need Social Security.
Are the people who say they feel our pain.
And our two illustrious candidates, who keep talking about change, are no better.
And the only change we are going to wind up with is the change in our pockets after our last dollar is spent.
Do you realize that over a billion dollars will be spent on the upcoming elections.
A billion dollars that could have been to much better use for education, veteran benefits and a slew of other things.
But Congress will continue to grandstand and showboat while not taking any responsibility for the situation we are in.
And more banks will fail and more people will lose their life's savings as Congress will continue to do what they do best
For it seems that in Congress for every action there is equal and opposite inaction.
And so even though they haven't asked for it I am going to give them a piece of advice from John F. Kennedy
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction"
Hopefully some of them will heed his advice and "CHANGE" their minds.
We can only hope.
While banks continue to fail and financial institutions shut down those who are in charge of running our country do not appear to have any sense of urgency when it comes to our current economic situation.
There latest excuse is that the current plan is not good for the country.
When is the last time that any of them asked any of us what we needed or wanted?
These Representatives, and I use that term very loosely, are the same people who are so fiscally prudent that our country's current deficit is $9.7 trillion.
And they are going to decide what is best for us.
Do you realize that if Congress was a bank or a financial institution that they would be in need of a bailout.
But even though they have shown repeatedly that they think they have an open check book they will not move on the current plan unless their individual agendas are met.
Damn the people, damn the country this is all about them.
The same people who do not have to worry about their jobs as their is always a lobbyist position waiting when their constituents get fed up.
The same people who do not have worry as their pensions are guaranteed and they will never need Social Security.
Are the people who say they feel our pain.
And our two illustrious candidates, who keep talking about change, are no better.
And the only change we are going to wind up with is the change in our pockets after our last dollar is spent.
Do you realize that over a billion dollars will be spent on the upcoming elections.
A billion dollars that could have been to much better use for education, veteran benefits and a slew of other things.
But Congress will continue to grandstand and showboat while not taking any responsibility for the situation we are in.
And more banks will fail and more people will lose their life's savings as Congress will continue to do what they do best
For it seems that in Congress for every action there is equal and opposite inaction.
And so even though they haven't asked for it I am going to give them a piece of advice from John F. Kennedy
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction"
Hopefully some of them will heed his advice and "CHANGE" their minds.
We can only hope.
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