Tuesday, July 29, 2008

$500 Billion Just a Drop in the Bucket

Another day another elected official indicted.

Today Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was indicted for failing to disclose thousands of dollars he received.

Although he is the first sitting Senator indicted since 1993 he joins his congressional colleague Rep Don Young who is also under investigation.

Just two examples of what is so wrong with the system.

Now we don’t want to accuse these men of anything until they are convicted but let’s go out on a limb and assume they are guilty.

What do you think will happen to them?

Worst case scenario they will plea deal down and retire with full pensions on our dime and wind up working for some lobbyist corrupting future electeds.

Now let’s picture the same scenario if we had a political pre nup in place. (http://www.where-to-turn.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=43838)

Both of these guys would be forced to repay all they were convicted of stealing and would forfeit their tax free pensions.

Wouldn’t that be great!

With the state of the economy, one only had to listen to Governor Paterson tonight, we really need to start taking a serious look from the top on down.

Our elected officials, the Authorities and right on down to you and me.

Is it only me or does anyone else think that there is something wrong with the fact that it costs hundreds of millions to become president.

Hell, it is even going to cost $2 Million to become a Congressman on Staten Island.

People putting up that type of money are going to be looking for something in return.

Its time to limit our exposure.

If we don’t the $500 Billion deficit will look like a drop in the bucket in a few years and they only ones who will be able to afford to retire will be our elected officials.


NYDIS Announced closure of city's last remaining 9/11 recovery program today.

Slowly but surely all of the available 9/11 services are shutting down.

Please be advised that we will continue to link all available 9/11 services through our Where to Turn Crisis Relief Network. (www.where-to-turn.org)

We will continue to keep you updated with 9/11 news with the help of Arnie Korotkin and will continue to post upcoming 9/11 events on our calendar.

As services are discontinued we will try to connect those in need with remaining resources.

We have over 800 Resources linked to our site as our services have expanded to any victim of tragedy.

If you are a service provider or a not for profit organization and would like to be included please forward a short description of your organization as well as a link to your website to info@where-to-turn.org and we will include you in our network. (civic and community groups invited as well)

If you do not have a web site we will create a web page so that your organization can be displayed.

Please note that we are trying to collect information on all Staten Island Organizations and link them.

The gloomy economic forecast will make it even more difficult for small not for profits that are the backbone of support for many in need.

By sharing information in addition to a little common sense coordination we hope to make people aware of all of the services still available to them on Staten Island and throughout the country.

We will also be coordinating joint projects to share resources as we are currently doing with the Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries with the Veteran Grave Markers.

We hope that you will take advantage of our site and in doing so help us help those in need.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MTA Prepares To Take Us For Another Ride

In today’s economy nobody can argue that it is very difficult to make ends meet.

Normal people like you and I have to cut back tighten our belts and make the best of it.

But not the Metropolitan Transit Authority.

They just announce that in order to keep their heads above water that they will need to implement another fare hike.

This less then a year after the fare hike that did not produce any of the improvements that it promised.

And what is being done about this?

The Governor is convening yet another panel to look into the mismanagement at the MTA.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it.

Didn’t they convene a panel a few weeks ago to investigate mismanagement of yet another Authority at Ground Zero?

Doesn’t anyone see a trend here?

The Authorities are left alone to run wild and unchecked while paying their executives exorbitant salaries and benefit packages as the strap hangers get left holding the bag.

What was that famous saying about those that don’t learn from history will be destined to repeat it?

Obviously nobody remembers as far back as 2003.

It was only five years ago that a state audit concluded that the MTA had secretly shifted hundreds of millions in surplus money to create an appearance of a huge deficit so that they could mislead riders into thinking a fare hike was needed.

Once again no one was held responsible because we are dealing with an “Authority”

You can convene as many panels that you like and it will not make a difference unless we get some type of control or eliminate these Authorities entirely.

Our pockets will continue to be picked while theirs will continue to be filled as long as they are the ones left driving the bus.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


It was announced this week that the families will be allowed once again to descend the ramp into the pit at ground Zero probably for the last time on 9/11.

Compared to what we had to go through last year this came as very good news and I was tempted to think “maybe things are finally changing”.

But then the cynical side of me thinks no they are just throwing us a bone to make up for the delays and overspending made public over the last month.

No matter how hard I try to believe the sour taste of all the paste lies still remains and I just can’t.

Just today a reminder that the mismanagement at Ground Zero continues despite what the Mayor, Governor or Port Authority say appeared in a barely covered story in our local papers.

If you didn’t look you probably didn’t notice but the “Survivor’s Staircase” was moved yet again.

Now those in charge would say it had to be moved because of ongoing construction.

But common sense would ask why it was originally moved to a location where they knew construction was going to take place.

The current move at considerable expense just goes to show that there is no real plan for if there was the staircase would not have been moved until its final resting place was ready.

The cynical albeit logical side of me sees that waste and showmanship continue to be the order of business at Ground Zero.

As much as I like Billy Crystal wouldn’t it have made sense to put additional family members, particularly those who have shown continued concern for the goings on at Ground Zero, on the Board?

But it will always be about raising money rather than improving content.

Hey we are going to need it when we have to move the staircase again.

But the memorial will be ready for the 10th Anniversary.

Every time I look at the site and see the Deutsche Bank Building still standing I think how can I believe that the memorial will be complete if they cannot even dismantle a building.

But maybe that’s just me.


P.S. Still no response from anyone regarding the Hearts and Hands Memorial.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Just last week the Executive Director of the Port Authority and Governor Paterson stated that things are going to change at Ground Zero.

They were going to re-evaluate and keep a close eye on everything that is going on.

Fast forward to today's New York Post where they are reporting that a former MTA executive who was fined for taking $10,000 in gifts from a contractor and forced to resign is now being hired by the Port Authority as a $115 consultant to work at Ground Zero. ($239,200 a year)

He will be consulting on the WTC transit hub.

But it gets better.

The same company that gave these gifts to him while he was at the MTA is currently under contract to work on the same project.

what does the Port Authority have to say about this?

The PA insists that "the highest safety, integrity and ethical standards are in place at the WTC site"

With the economy in the state that it is in does anyone believe that there was not anyone else available for this position?

Does the Port Authority even know the definition of of integrity and ethical?

We already know that they have a problem with the word safety.

But that is a whole other story (NYC Building and Fire Codes non existent at WTC)

So we once again have to deal with the "politenglish"

For those not familiar with the term "politenglish" is the language that politicians use.

Perfected by their spin doctors it manages to hold them blameless when things go wrong and only accountable on the rare occasion when something goes right.

But as Charles De Gaulle said "Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word"

It will be interesting to see just how they will spin this.

And you wonder why we need a political pre-nup.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's Time For A Political Pre-Nup

If the events of the past few years have proven anything it is that we have once again allowed the political machine to get completely out of control.

Politicians and their staffs and appointees are held completely blameless for their indiscretions and even their crimes.

The courts have continued to show little backbone and have protected their political allies with decisions that have basically allowed elected officials and their representatives to walk away from situations that would have placed the common person behind bars.

Now let me say that I am not talking about every politician, but there are enough of them out there to give them all a bad name.

Something needs to be done because even when they are caught they are allowed to walk away with there pensions and there ill gotten gains and wind up as lobbyists or the like and are allowed to profit even more.

If you took a poll of whom people distrust the most it would probably be a toss up between politicians and lawyers.

Even Ronald Regan said “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first”.

Here is our solution.

We would like to require every elected official and government employee to sign a political pre-nuptial agreement.

Consider it an insurance policy protecting us from what they might do to us in the position of power in which we are placing them.

Based on past performance there is a very good chance that some of them will do things that will negatively impact us and our families.

It’s very simple.

They sign this pre-nup which states that if they are forced from their positions due to illegal or improper behavior they will give up any claim to any pensions or benefits that they may be entitled to.

And they agree to pay back any monies that may have been illegally gained without dispute.

Now any honest politician should have no problem signing this agreement.

It would be interesting to see if any actually would.

Maybe it should at least be a question during the campaign but it should be a requirement of any government employee especially in a system where even office workers are capable of stealing millions.

Just a thought.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Another day and another glaring example of how the recovery effort at Ground Zero has failed us.

The Associated Press reported that a former medical examiner’s office worker was sentenced to 15 years in prison for stealing “at least” $9 million much of which was intended to identify the victims of the 9/11 attacks. The report goes on to say the total was closer to $13 million and that $6 million or less than half has been recovered.

Here are a few questions.

How and why was an office worker authorized to handle such amounts?

How many others (supervisors etc) were involved?

Why are we only hearing about this now as he was arrested in 2005?

Why was this conveniently swept under the carpet when we asked questions about the ME’s Office when the new remains were found?

Does the missing laptop, about which we can get no answers, have any information on it relating to this case?

While we are at it here is something else that people should be looking into.

This money was supposed to be used to buy computer systems to track and identify DNA and other forensic evidence from Ground Zero.

Do you know that there was a computer system designed to link personal items with remains uncovered at Ground Zero?

Do you also know that it is alleged that this system (that would potentially identify additional remains) is not being used because it would show a discrepancy in what has been reported by the NYPD Property Department and what was actually inventoried. (A discrepancy of nearly a million in cash and thousands of personal items).

If there is even the possibility that this is correct shouldn’t there be an outside investigation?

Well we have been asking for an investigation for over two years and have been stonewalled at every turn.

It was also reported that the company hired to do DNA identifications had a spotty history yet their contract was renewed without even a competitive bidding process.

Well we have all seen how well the DNA identifications have been going. (About one every 5 months if we’re lucky)

Again where are the checks and balances?

The same things happened with billions in inappropriate grants and questionable contracts granted after 9/11.

This is just one example. How come they are not investigating the Dunkin Donuts that opened in Phoenix with a 9/11 grant or the TSA contract that was paid to a company that wasn’t even incorporated when it applied and filed for bankruptcy shortly after they received hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Audit reports have documented all of these yet nothing was ever done to recoup the money.

Money that could be used to help the 9/11 sick or to rebury the remains from Fresh Kills.

But they do have the time and staff to fight every 9/11 claim for medical assistance that comes in.

Are we the only ones who see something wrong with this picture?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Letter: It shocks the conscience.

Letter: It shocks the conscience.

Fool Me Once......

Fool me once……..

Everyone involved with Ground Zero knows how to complete that phrase.

Yesterday was just another example of revisionist history.

At a special meeting of Community Board 1 the Port Authority now stated that they will have the WTC Memorial (or some portion of it) completed by the 10th Anniversary.

We have been in too many of these special meetings since 2001 to lend any credence to what is said.

Our question is what happened between last week when the PA did not have enough to report to Governor Paterson and yesterday.

Was there an epiphany that we missed?

More likely it was just another example of give them something so they stop bothering us and by the time we come out with the real facts we will have a story in place indicating that they misinterpreted what we said.

I have personally sat at these meetings where members of the mayor’s office, the Port Authority and the LMDC have flat out lied about what was done, what was being done and what was going to be done.

Not once were any of them held responsible for these lies.

And they won’t be now.

That is why Ground Zero is in the condition it is.

A perfect example is that two years ago when they first realized that costs were spiraling out of control they had very similar meetings.

They actually brought in an outside consultant and the mayor put a firm ceiling of $500 Million on the Memorial.

He stated that costs and timelines were going to be closely watched to assure the project stayed on target and under budget.

Without batting an eye they are now tossing around a figure of $630 million at a minimum.

No mention of that at all at last night’s meeting.

Instead of coming in and saying we screwed up and we are reevaluating the entire design to create a more modest family friendly memorial.

They throw out new dates to appease the crowds.

Now their spin doctors will be hard at work on the script to explain when the new dates are missed.

And the families will have to settle because if they try to fight, judges who are part of this club will just toss the cases out.

Just ask Diane.

At least if we were dealing with elected officials we could vote them out of office.

Put we are dealing with Authorities and agencies that are above the law.

And people continue to die from 9/11 related diseases, and our dead are left for eternity in a land fill.

As we are fed one lie after another.

Fool me twice…. I don’t think so.

“Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth”.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Monday, July 7, 2008


Last year the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York found that former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman’s falsely reassuring and misleading statements of safety after the September 11, 2001 attacks were “without question conscience-shocking.” The court also found the facts “support an allegation of a violation of the substantive due process right to be free from official government policies that increase the risk of bodily harm” by Whitman’s misstatements regarding the air quality of the affected area.

But this past April the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stated that she could not be held liable for her actions.

The appeals court went on to say legal remedies are not always available for every instance of arguably deficient governmental performance.

Today District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein dismissed the case brought by 9/11 family members seeking to have remains relocated from the Fresh Kills Landfill.

Even though evidence was presented that showed that the Department of Sanitation acted improperly the judge stated that there were no city laws that require the burying of debris in another location because THE CITY “ACTED RESPONSIBLY” IN BRINGING ABOUT A “SWIFT AND EFFICIENT RECOVERY FROM THE TERRORISTS’ ATTACK”

The judge said not every wrong can be addressed through the judicial process, but that he's open for discussion if both sides want to hash out a settlement.

So let’s see how this works.

According to our current Judicial System an agent of the government can publically lie and risk causing bodily harm to the general population but cannot be held responsible.

Also human remains that were removed from a crime scene can be allowed to remain forever in a landfill because not every wrong can be addressed through the Judicial System.

To both these judges I leave the words of Lois McMaster Bujold

“The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them.”

And we ask Judge Hellerstein in particular how he explains the fact that we are still finding remains if the city “acted responsibly” in bringing about a “swift and efficient recovery”

But what could we expect from a judge who describes potential remains as debris?

All that we know for sure is that in regards to 9/11 a very bad trend is developing.


“Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong”.

Teddy Roosevelt



The Empire State Building was completed in 1931.

It was 1,250 feet tall making it the tallest building in the world at that time.

It was built during the Depression yet it was completed under budget ($24,718,000) and ahead of schedule.

The building was completed in one year and forty five days.


The Freedom Tower will be completed in ???? (Your guess is as good as the Port Authority’s)

It will be 1,776 feet tall. It is being constructed during a Recession yet the current price tag is at least $3 Billion.

It appears that it will take over 7 years to complete and even the current price tag and timeline seem optimistic. (using the 2006 restart date)

Let’s compare this to some other more recent buildings under construction.

The Calatrava 2,000 foot Chicago spire $1.5 Billion

The Russian Tower 2,008 feet $2.2 Billion

The Shanghai World Financial Center 1,614 feet $1.2 Billion

To be fair the Burj Dubai’s 2,500 foot tower cost $4.1 Billion but they don't appear concerned about what they spend.

Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

We are going to spend 125 times more than it cost to build the Empire State Building and it is going to take 6 years longer to build.

By comparison we are going to spend $1 to $2 billion more than comparable buildings under construction.

And here’s the kicker it is not even being built to code.

Only in New York.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Over the next 90 days while the new Executive Director of the Port Authority is putting together his report and recommending cost cutting changes we hope that he will not only look at the transit hub but at the entire plan including the Memorial.

He and the Governor only have to look at the similarities of excess between the Memorial and the Transit hub.

While the Transit hub has two superfluous wings reaching into the sky the Memorial has two giant voids reaching into the Ground.

The only logical reason for the voids seems to be that without them the Memorial would have to be built under the NYC codes as an indoor structure.

It appears that they couldn’t get the plan approved under the NYC codes as an indoor structure so instead of making the necessary changes they get it classified as an outdoor structure where requirements for capacity and location are less restrictive.

Can you imagine how one is going to feel as they travel down nearly three stories underground with the thunder of the crashing water reverberating from one side while the sounds of the passing trains rumble on the other side of the wall?

Can you guess what these sounds are going to remind people of?

The current design does not even follow what the mission statement for the Memorial.

But this whole process has never been about following rules.

The entire design selection process was a scam and the current design was forced upon us by members of the Pataki Administration.

The LMDC just continued the charade of an open and transparent process for the last seven years and you can see where that has gotten us.

Back in May 2006 Eliot Spitzer stated “Let me be very clear, the L.M.D.C. is an absolute failure,” when referring to the public authority responsible for the rebuilding.

“They violated their duty to the public and to those they’re supposed to be representing, and now they’re beginning to throw in the towel one by one, departing the scene with an abject failure behind them.”

In responding to Spitzer, Bloomberg said “I don’t know that anything will change with the new administration in Albany,”

He went on to state “We do have to, at some point here – and I think we’ve passed that point – as they say, fish or cut bait. It’s time to cut bait.”

Well Spitzer was right but unfortunately they are not the only ones that walked away.

He is gone, Pataki is gone and so are many of the usual suspects who made the decisions that have put us in the position we are today.

In regards to Bloomberg just lets say that I don’t think he fishes much as it has been over two years and it still doesn’t appear that he has cut bait.

Well we once again have an opportunity to possibly get this right.

Maybe our last opportunity.

We hope that the new Governor and the mayor will boldly go where his predecessors have not, and get things done FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.

A good first step would be to rethink the Memorial.

The second step would be to toss out the LMDC/PA play book in which rule one states “It is easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission”

Our forgiving days have long past.

And while they are at it we ask the LMDC to look up the definition of development



Thursday, July 3, 2008


To All,

If it is true that the powers that be are going to a total review of what is going on at Ground Zero we would once again like to your attention the still unresolved issues with the alleged missing money and personal items from the NYPD Property Department.

It has been a year and a half and not one update. We were told that there was an internal investigation going and all our inquiries were ignored.

What is even worse is we could not get even one newspaper or newscast to do an investigative report.

It even appears that when the Comptroller asked about this a few months ago he was given the brush off as well.

The people who designed the system that cataloged the items recovered from 9/11 (including cash) state that over $900,000 in cash and over 1,000 highly recognizable pieces of jewelry were logged into their system. This is considerably higher the $220,000 in cash and 300-400 pieces of jewelry reported by the NYPD.

And we can’t get anyone to give us answers.

PERSONAL ITEM RECOVERY (Originally posted 11/8/2006)


PERSONAL ITEMS UPDATE (Originally posted 1/15/2007)


Here is another interesting post from 12/14/2006 Where we stated that it was going to cost over $2 Billion before they were finished with rebuilding at the Deutsche Bank Building location

THE INMATES CONTINUE TO RUN THE ASYLUM (Originally posted 12/13/2006)


Here is a quote from a post dated 11/22/2005

Now let me get this straight. The Governor and the Mayor are now behind the Port Authority building the WTC Memorial and Museum. This is the same Port Authority that still refuses to abide by the New York City Fire and Building Codes. The same Port Authority that swore to the families that the footprints would be respected at the same time they were planning the transportation hub on the same footprints with additional transit lines to come. The same Port Authority that should not even be involved in commercial real estate as they were created to monitor our bridges and tunnels and the Port of NY. What does this have to do with the Memorial? They should never have been involved with the WTC in the first place.

We fear that as in the past the stories will quickly fade from the news and we will be no closer to a resolution after 90 days.

We have continued to raise these concerns for years and will continue to do so because we have to hold out hope that somebody will finally listen because we believe that “Our character...is an omen of our destiny

To see a total list of posts go to



We currently have 4 waterfalls displays in NYC

1. The Brooklyn Anchorage of the Brooklyn Bridge;

2. Between Piers 4 and 5 in Brooklyn Heights;

3. Lower Manhattan at Pier 35 (north of Manhattan Bridge);

4. The North Shore of Governors Island.

The falls will be on display from June 26th to October 13th, 2008.

You may ask what this has to do with Ground Zero.

Well as you know there are also waterfalls in the current Memorial planned for the site.

While waterfalls are quite a spectacle one has to ask what they have to do with 9/11 and Ground Zero.

There is a reason for the schedule of the current waterfall displays (June to Oct)

The people running the current displays realized that water tends to freeze in the winter.

Something that should have been considered when selecting the Memorial Design.

They plan to run these waterfalls year round.

The estimate to heat the water so that the mist would not freeze during the winter at the WTC was estimated to be $500,000 a year.

This estimate was based on fuel costs 6 months ago.

Everyone knows what has happened to energy costs over the last 6 months.

While everything we have seen recently has been talking about the construction costs, our question is; is anyone even looking into the life cycle costs once the Memorial is built?

If somebody is this might be a good starting point.

If they build it according to the current plan the last thing we would want is for them to realize that this is too expensive to maintain during the winter and we will wind up with two holes in the ground.

Don’t you think we have been looking at a hole in the ground long enough?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


To All,

A version of the letter below was also sent to Governor Paterson and Joseph Daniels.


Where to Turn 150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island, N.Y. 10308
718-966-6531 (fax) 718-966-6516

Mayor Michael Bloomberg
National September 11th Memorial & Museum
City Hall
New York, New York 10007

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I am writing this letter to you not as the Mayor of New York City but as the Chairman of the National September 11th Memorial & Museum.

My organization has been working closely with the 9/11 families since 2001. Over that period of time we have been listening to their concerns and have worked with many 9/11 family groups when issues arose.

As you are probably aware many 9/11 family members were disheartened with the recent news of the delays and overruns at Ground Zero. They are particularly concerned that the WTC Memorial may not be completed by the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

To that end I would like to make you aware that over the past four years we have been developing a plan to create a facility that will not only honor those lost on 9/11 but also remember all those who came together in support after the events of that tragic day.

Below please find a brief description of how we foresee the complex.

The Hearts and Hands Memorial Complex

As you walk into the entrance of the Memorial you will be greeted by friendly volunteers from our local High Schools or Colleges or maybe by a senior citizen who is volunteering for the day
The entrance facility will have some portraits or personal reminders that have been created since 9/11.
These will be rotating displays so each time you enter you will see something different.
If you like you will be able to make an appointment to record a personal memory about a family member or a friend.
You will also be able to sign up to be a volunteer of a contributor to some of the numerous educational programs that we are developing with other 9/11 family groups.
You will then have the option to proceed to your left to view the United in Memory 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt or to your right into the Corridor of Memories.
If you go to your left you will enter a single exhibition hall with over 10,000 square feet of open floor space and will be able to walk through aisles displaying the United in Memory 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt. 142 10 ½ by 10 ½ panels each containing 25 quilt patches memorializing all of the victims of 9/11.
These patches were made by people from all over the world and there is at least one patch for every victim.
You will feel the love that went into this very personal memorial.
Family members will be able to add items to the patches.
Visitors will also be able to tie knots into panels that are under repair.
Anyone will also be able to leave a personal recording of their experience or listen to personal memories of those who have gone before them.
If upon entering the memorial you go to your right you will enter the Corridor of Memories. The corridor is over 250 feet in length and has nearly 3,000 square feet of floor space.
On the walls of the corridor will be 8 x 10 photos of all of the victims of 9/11.
The photos will be arranged bin alphabetical order by affiliation.
The affiliations will also be arranged in alphabetical order to ensure that visitors can easily find their loved one’s photo.
Under each photo will be the name, rank (if required), age and location of the victim on 9/11.
The corridor continues in a circular direction and leads visitors back into the exhibition hall housing the quilt.
The corridor and the exhibition hall will totally enclose a 21,000 square foot Memorial Garden.
The garden will consist of floral arrangements and outdoor monuments including two refurbished fountains and provide a place for peaceful meditation and contemplation.
Surrounding the garden on the exterior walls of the corridor will be plexi glass enclosed viewing areas so visitors will be able to experience the garden even in bad weather.
The arched Plexiglas roof of the enclosures will have etched into them the names of all of the victims in a totally random fashion.
We hope to enable visitors to look up into the sky and feel that their loved ones are watching over them.
There will also be a chapel nearby for anyone who wants to say a prayer.
The Hearts and Hands Memorial Complex will not be at Ground Zero but a short distance away on Staten Island on the grounds of the Seaview Rehabilitation campus.
Restored from abandoned buildings of an era gone by, it will be close enough to Ground Zero yet far enough away from the hustle and bustle of lower Manhattan.
It will be nearly 1,000 feet from any major road.
It will not be a tourist attraction but rather a compliment to the WTC Memorial at Ground Zero.
A place where anyone, but in particular family members, will be able to go to quietly reflect, and remember their loved ones.
It will also be a place to remember how everyone came together after 9/11 to support the victims of the attack and share the valuable lessons learned since 2001.
We already have $1 million committed towards the $6.5 million total cost of this facility and will be starting our official fundraising efforts next month.
I am hoping that you will join Senator Clinton, Senator Schumer, Senator Lanza and all of the 9/11 family groups by supporting this effort.
I will make myself available at your convenience to discuss or answer any questions you may have relating to this project.
I look forward to our continued conversations.
Dennis McKeon
Executive Director

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


One only has to look at any of the 14 articles and editorials that we have pulled from today’s papers to see that they are almost unanimous in stating that every part of construction is currently well over budget and behind schedule (see link below)


Yet at the same time we receive a press release from the National September 11 Memorial & Museum stating that they are still going to all that they can to have the memorial accessible by 2011.

Once again we get all the same catch phrases “transparency” and “openness” that the Foundation has used since day one.

Unfortunately there has never been anything transparent or open in dealing with the Foundation from its president on down.

Now would have been a perfect time for the Foundation to state “we will re-evaluate the current plans for the Memorial and based on the results of that review we will establish a correct timeline for its opening.

While we all want the Memorial to be open for the 10th anniversary I think most family members would rather have all the outstanding issues resolved at this time,

From the placement of the names to a proper response to the Kallstrom report (which has been ignored) about a proper exit strategy from the underground memorial.

We may be missing something but we thought that the Memorial was still bound by the $500 Million cap set by the Sciame report.

Or has that much heralded report been discarded as well.

Here is another statement from the Memorial Foundation

“The Board agreed to work on two items in order to proceed with the next phase of construction of the Memorial and Museum. The Foundation will one, continue its efforts to refine the project’s base estimates, resolve all of the outstanding infrastructure cost issues with Port Authority and two, in cooperation with other key stakeholders, outline an array of ways to reduce project costs while maintaining the Arad/Walker vision for the Memorial. The Foundation believes that in order to move forward with construction, the City, the State, LMDC, Port Authority and the Foundation must all be on the same page.

The funny thing is this is from May 2006.

Doesn’t seem like much has changed.

If this is ever really going to be open and transparent this might be the place to start.

I am sure that most family members would appreciate a much simpler and safer Memorial

The Foundation should take that into consideration.